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The words flew out of her mouth smoothly as she had memorized the words and repeated it in her heart over and over again, she had to make sure she could spill the words automatically without even thinking so she wouldn't stop, whether because of pain or guilt.

This had to be done. She opened her eyes and felt a sharp pain in her body. Every single wizard and witch in the room was attacking her except for Aelia who was busy trying to shield her from it all.

Just before she could finish the spell, she sent a light signal through the window and suddenly Duman appeared in the room. He wasted no time, running for Aelia and grabbing her by the waist before disappearing again into the air.

Evanora smiled sadly, she never got to say goodbye to Aelia or any of her friends. The people who stood by her side and were like family to her, the people she felt closer to than her grandfather. She wished that Aelia would continue living free from her father's ideology and start building the future they dreamt of.

Once she finished casting the spell, bright red light surrounded her and she watched as her grandfather's eyes went wide, realizing what she had done.

"You fool! Those impure are nothing but a nuisance! How dare you go this far for them!!" He raged as he realized these were his last moments as a wizard.

"You were always so scared of them, grandfather, always trying to eradicate their existence, thinking you are better than everyone else. You ruined your own family, you watched them kill your own son and you killed your own nephew." Evanora's smile turned bitter,
"You should learn to be afraid of people who have nothing left to lose. You took my family away from me and now I'm taking your most precious thing away from you, Silas."

Evanora has used one of the forbidden spells, unleashing black magic on everyone inside the room. Not a single person standing in the room would keep their magic once she was done.

"Wanyonge", the spell she was casting, would strip every single one of them of their magical powers.

Evanora rocked backwards feeling waves of energy leaving her body. She watched as some of them ran to the door trying to open it, and some ran for the windows.

But all in vain, Evanora's light had surrounded them and shut them inside a tight box, a suffocating light was seeping into their bodies, sucking all of their magic force from the core. Stripping them from the power they had abused, leaving them to drop helplessly to the floor.

She looked at Silas as he gasped for breath, his eyes wide in horror, he reached out his hand to her.

He was finally getting what he deserved, yet Evanora choked on her tears. Pain rippled through her heart. Why did her grandfather had to be so blind?

She was almost convinced she could be happy with him and Klaus as her family. She was willing to forgive him for being involved in her mother and sisters death, to start fresh but he never gave her a chance.

He kept making one mistake after the other. Wounding her heart deeper and deeper. She let out a loud scream and unleashed what was left of her energy into the air, finishing the spell.

Evanora was the only one left standing as the others collapsed from the spell but she too fell to her knees as she realized it was all over. 


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