Breaking the spell

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The next morning, Evanora opened her eyes and looked around, she saw Helena and Brianna standing by the window whispering to each other and they didn't seem to notice her until she got up and reached for the cup of water by the bedside.

Noticing her movements, the two other ladies ran to her side and made sure she was feeling okay and even offered to call for a physician to check on her again. When Evanora assured them she was okay and put on a smile, Helena started helping her get ready while Brianna answered her questions about the current situation of the kingdom.

Rokan has left since early in the morning and called for Helena to stay by her side, he had summoned Duman and the two of them along with Theon were discussing how they can heal the sick while Akare was holding the defense line by the eastern camp.

Despite the complaints of Brianna and Helena and their persuasion to keep her inside the room to rest more, Evanora felt her sense of responsibility growing and she had to join the others in the library and offer her help.

Duman had his own suspicion about the spell Klaus would use to cause such a plague, he had seen texts about such magic in the library of the tower. Even though such spells were prohibited by the Tower council and anyone who uses them puts himself up for punishment, Klaus was immune to such things. He was one of the council members and a highly ranked one as well.

Duman went through the books Rokan possessed along with the ones brought by Evanora about healing, trying to refresh his memory about ways of breaking such horrible spells.

Muffled voices were heard down the corridor then came to a stop outside of the library door, followed by two knocks. When Rokan gave permission to whoever it was to enter, Evanora walked in wearing a soft green dress with flutter sleeves while her hair was braided as usual to the side, following in her steps Brianna walked in.

The two greeted the three people already inside and then Evanora headed straight for Duman and sat next to him on the table trying to keep up with what she had missed while Rokan followed her with her eyes before glaring at Brianna. The red-haired woman shook her head in desperation as she failed to convince Evanora to stay away.

"I believe we have a very good chance of breaking the spell, it won't be easy. This kind of magic is rarely used and it is prohibited for a reason but I will try my best." Duman explained.

"Do you need help with anything? Is there something I can do ?" Seeing how desperate Evanora was to help Duman quickly glanced over at Rokan before returning his gaze to her.

"There is. Once the spell is broken, all the damage already done to the body won't lift automatically so we will have to heal the injuries one by one. It will probably take a lot of time and effort but that is the only possible way." He turned to the king before continuing "We will need all the help we can get."

Rokan turned to Thoen and ordered that all the available maids that had already experienced tending for the sick be called to the wing where some of those suffering from the plague were gathered and to help Duman and Evanora with whatever they needed, and then to help them tour around the kingdom to heal everyone else.

Duman spent most of his time working on breaking the spell in the western wing and when it was finally done, it was the first time Evanora had smiled in three long days. However, everyone around her could feel the shift in the air around her, even though she smiled she seemed in great pain, as if her misery was growing stronger by the day and no one could help her ease it out of her heart.

The black-haired wizard and the witch worked hard trying to heal all the serious injuries everyone suffered. They worked hard to make sure no life-threatening injuries were left untreated even after the curse was broken.
By the time most of the people affected were in stable condition, Duman approached Evanora and suggested they go to the garden to take some rest and leave the rest to the nurses for the day.

Evanora followed DUman around as they roamed in the castle and then settled on a bench inside the garden.

"Let me know if it gets too cold and you want to leave," Duman said in a gentle voice. "I always forget how cold it can get around this area, I have not been around for a while."

"Do you live in the Tower ?" Evanora saw her chance and asked.

"I do now, but I haven't always lived there. I actually used to live in the Taran southern kingdom. That's how I met Rokan, he was a general in the army of the Kassi back then and came with the troops to discuss matters of peace treaty while I was the son of a general in the Taran kingdom. Despite being a wizard my father was interested in wielding a sword. He said it makes him feel in control." Duman smiled at the thought of his father. "But I moved to the Tower when I got married two years ago."

"Oh I didn't know you were married, is she someone from the same kingdom?"

"No, her family is one of the founding ones of the tower, she lived her entire life there." Duman's voice was tight and his eyes looked distant. "I think you two would enjoy each other's company," he added as he turned to Evanora.

"I would love to meet her, do you mind telling me more about her? I'm curious" Evanora smiled.

Duman explained to Evanora that he was forced into marriage, same goes for his wife. They had never met each other until the day of their engagement. Her family forced her into the marriage since she wasn't very obedient in hopes she would leave the Tower and settle somewhere far, stop causing trouble. However, Silas had refused and asked for her and Duman to stay in the Tower saying they were pure bloods who needed to be served.

"I didn't really know her at the beginning of our marriage and was too cruel to her. I thought she supported her family in their wild decisions and shared their look to everyone without a pure bloodline...She is however an angel."

Evanora smiled broadly watching the look of affection on DUman's face, she felt his feelings and the love he held for his wife.

"Are you going back to her soon?" Evanora asked.

"Once this is properly dealt with, I'm leaving, and forgive me for saying this but I cannot take you with Evanora. It will ruin my relationship with Rokan. I don't know if you two have already discussed this but he is completely against you leaving the kingdom."

Evanora kept quiet hearing his words and looked down at her feet. A storm was coming and both of them were going to get hurt. Afraid of that storm, Evanora kept on avoiding the king through the entire week, her being busy the entire day helped, and whatever breaks she took, she spent either with Duman, Helena, or by herself.

She avoided dinner with everyone despite the constant invitations sent to her and used fatigue as her excuse to eat dinner in her room alone. Even though Rokan noticed her attitude he didn't insist on seeing her or crossing her way, it seemed as if he too was avoiding her. Both of them were running away from each other after that horrible night at Evanora's old house.

The two seemed scared of what was to come if they were to face each other and express what was truly on their minds.


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