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"Klaus!" She cried out as she scanned his face and body. Blood was gushing out of everywhere and Klaus struggled to keep standing and soon the two of them fell to the floor. "What happened? Wait, I need to cast a healing spell on you. But I don't know which is the best for you, just wait a second I will go call out for someone." Evanora tried to stand but he pulled her back down.

"They think I'm dead." he barely managed to say, choking on his own blood.

Evanora couldn't see him in such pain and her warm healing light seeped from her energy and into his body.

Klaus's body twisted in more pain and he clenched her hand.

"S-stop, please..." He pleaded, "It hurts."

Evanora's mouth fell open and she wondered why was her healing magic causing him more pain instead of reducing it. "Black magic.." She whispered as realization hit her.

Evanora's eyes filled with tears as she didn't know what to do, she had only heard a few things about black magic but never had any real knowledge. The black magic sector was forbidden to everyone in the library and guarded by powerful spells.

"I need to call Aelia and Duman, they would know what to do, yes, they would know what to do..." As she struggled to find a solution Klaus shook his head desperately, red hair strands falling over his eyes.

"You can't undo this Evanora, listen..." Klaus swallowed, "I need to tell you something..."

"Who did this to you?" Evanora asked, unable to fathom what was unfolding in front of her. Klaus seemed to have lost all hope of being helped and is not even trying.


Evanora froze upon hearing her grandfather's name, Klaus held on to her arm desperately,

"Silas has been lying to you, Eva..Your father... He is not coming back"

Tears fell from Klaus's eyes as guilt and sadness gripped his heart.

"You need to g-get a hold of... the archives... He keeps archives on everything... everything that goes on within the council's meetings. Read the archives Evanora." His hand started slipping and Evanora started panicking, she was once again losing someone precious to her, she felt helplessness being etched into her bones, the words she just heard ringing in her ears.

She desperately tried pulling him to his feet along with her to go look for help but she had lost power in her knees and the two of them fell hard to the ground again into a pool of his blood. Evanora looked bewildered as she hooked her arms under his and started again only stopping when his voice, low as a whisper, reached her ears.

"L-little one, stop." He waited for her to look him in the eyes, seeing the pain that mirrored his in her teary green orbs. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have done something...or at least, said some-something to you." Klaus coughed and more dark blood came out of his mouth.

His entire body started trembling, his face going even paler as his lips started changing color. "D-Don't let me..die here...please....I need more power ...I need to go home."

Evanora started sobbing as she understood well enough what he was saying. Klaus reached out his hand to her. Evanora took his trembling hand into hers and pushed her energy into his body. The veins in his neck protruded as he kept his pain from turning into a scream. He closed his eyes and started casting a teleportation spell to go to another place both of them knew he would never reach in time.

He opened his eyes as his body started shifting and morphing into blue air.

"Archives" was the last word she ever heard from Klaus.

Evanora could feel anger and sorrow mixing and darkening her heart. She got to her feet, feeling an electrical current running through her body and heavy stoic ringing in her ears. She pulled off her dress which was stained with blood and used it to mob the pool by her feet. She rubbed the blood over and over into her blue dress.

She couldn't get the picture of Klaus from minutes ago or his words. Her nails scraped the floor as she continued her restless mobbing. When she was finally satisfied with her cleaning she turned around to her wardrobe and put on the first thing her hands touched. She looked at the door and she could see Klaus's figure standing there whispering the same word over and over again. She ran outside and stormed to Silas's office.

Darkness faced her as she pulled the door open and Silas was nowhere to be found. Evanora walked further into his office and looked for certain documents. She ruffled through everything she could get her hands on but to no avail. Suddenly something popped in her head and she turned around to the hidden door behind his desk.

She had seen Silas getting out of the hidden adjacent room once but she pretended she hadn't seen him. She went around his desk and put her hands on a slightly protruding rock from the wall. Nothing happened. Evanora started racking her memory for any detail she saw that day, she was certain that she had seen him place his palm against the rock to make the door retreat and fade into the rock wall.

She stood staring at the rock in the darkness silently like a ghost till she noticed the slight difference in color on the rock. She wasted no time and reached for the paper-knife resting on the desk. She pressed it to her palm and pulled on it. As blood seeped from her palm she pressed it into the rock.

This was the first time she was happy to have Silas's blood running in her veins. She repeated the words she vaguely remembered and watched as a wooden door started appearing on the wall. She held her breath and carefully turned the knob. The room she just entered was also dark and she saw no sign of it being occupied. She rushed to the huge armoire and started going through all the books it had. Her hands trembled as she found the latest ledger recording their last meeting. She quickly scanned the other archives next to it and concluded they were sorted in date.

She flipped rapidly through every first page of the archives till she was back in time ten years. She slowed her pace and carefully looked over the list of the members present at each meeting.

Sweat formed on the back of her neck and her hands trembled as her eyes read the name Yolan Kamar.

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