An imprint

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When the final member of their secret gathering entered the room, Evanora began their meeting by announcing that she would refuse the council's suggestion to eradicate all mud-bloods at the next gathering. She had never before voiced her honest opinion on the subject, trying to avoid any discussion that would upset Silas but there was no need to pretend now.

"I will do my best to change Silas's opinion," she declared. "I will talk them out of it.
I'll make sure of putting an end to this cycle of violence, it was long overdue anyway."

Evanora looked at her friends, she cared about these people. Every person in the room mattered and even more, were outside of the tower. Her people's future also depended on her. There was no room for failure.

"I will talk them out of it, I promise" She declared, "I will mention the treaty that Izac had suggested and how I managed to contact a royalty to work on it, it's better to keep your identity hidden for now." She continued, turning to Rokan.

"And what if he refuses? And he will." Izac said, gaining a glare from Rokan for interrupting Evanora.

"I have managed to get more people on my side as the Wicca, most of the wizards want to avoid war with their kind, it's only the founding families that seem to be blinded by the thought of a fight and bloodshed. I will threaten them with the loss of the Tower, if all the wizards refuse to join the Tower and those who are already here, leave then the Tower would be useless. And all the power they have in their hands will vanish."

"But the wizards need the Tower, we have been using this place as the safe harbor for everyone who cannot afford to live with the Humans, for the weak, and the orphans. We cannot simply close the Tower." Aelia explained, reminding everyone of the reason the Tower was first created.

"I will only be using that argument to pressure them, hopefully, we will never have to do such a thing."

"Your grandfather is a strong man, what if he doesn't yield to your demands ?" Duman asked.

"I will make sure he doesn't have a choice. Right now, I'm stronger than him, with all the spells and blessings from the council's members, I have fragments from their powers. I'm stronger than all of them combined. So please trust me this time." Evanora pleaded as she looked around the table. Everyone kept quiet for a moment before Izac stood up.

"I'm sorry but I do not think this is enough to change their minds, just because you were selected to be the Wicca, it doesn't mean they will follow your rules." Izac started walking out of the room as Aelia called for him from behind.

Evanora hesitated for a moment before following him. When she reached him, she pulled his arm and dragged him away from the praying eyes.

"I didn't want to say this in front of everyone but I know how stubborn my grandfather is. When I said I won't be leaving them a choice, I meant it. If they disagree, I will use a certain spell."

 Evanora pulled her sleeve and showed Izac a dark spell imprinted on the inside of her elbow.
Izac's eyes widened as he recognized the mark, a mark that meant Evanora had been practicing dark magic.

"Do you understand the consequences of what you are doing?" Izac asked bewildered, panic taking over his feature.

"I will do whatever it takes. I'm willing to take the risk to ensure the safety and freedom of my people. But I need your help. You are one of the few people I trust in the Tower, and I need you to help me." Evanora answered, her voice clear and calm.

"Where do I stand in your plan?" He managed to say through gritted teeth, his face twisting.

"I need you to lead the Tower," she said, her voice steady. "I will work on changing the council's opinion and I have already spoken to many powerful families in the Tower who share our vision of peace and wish to reunite all the wizards together. Rokan and his kingdom will propose the treaty, and Duman will also be there to help convince the other kings. However, I do not plan on staying here, I cannot live in this place any longer..."

Evanora's thoughts drifted to the memories she had in the Tower that still haunted her. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to chase them away. "Will you be the ruler of this place, with the one you truly love by your side?" she asked Klaus.


Rokan shifted in his seat uncomfortably while Duman and Aelia stayed quiet. The three waited for Evanora and Izac to come back. When the door cracked open, Rokan shot up from his seat and watched as Evanora walked with Izac trailing behind her. All the doubt he had plastered on his face was gone. Evanora smiled at Rokan before looking at her two other friends.

"Are you ready to listen to the rest of the plan? Even if my grandfather agrees, we will still have work to do. I trust the four of you and I desperately need your help. So are you with me?"

"I would have never thought you would say you trust me out loud and that you need my help, I mean we were going to be husband and wife in less than-" Izac stopped and shrugged his shoulders as he heard a low threatening growl from Rokan.

"Finally someone who can put you in your place Izac!" Aelia laughed out loud while Izac rolled his eyes.


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