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The hair on Rokan's neck stood as he heard Evanora's screams. He could no longer stand it, he would break any promise he made to her if it meant keeping her safe. He launched for the door and hit the chain with his swords just as Duman appeared next to him. The masked wizard held a crying Aelia in his arms, she was screaming and crying, trying desperately to free herself from Duman's grip.

Rokan's mind went blank and swung his swords with all his might, breaking the chains in half and pushing the door open.

He watched in horror the several bodies lying on the ground motionless while a red fog engulfed the room.

"Nora!" He yelled.

He heard a choking noise and his eyes landed on a slender figure lying on the ground, a cloud of black locks scattered around her. His body moved as if it had a mind of its own as he ran to her and pulled her into his arms.

"Nora! Look at me, Open your eyes!" Rokan yelled frantically.

Evanora opened her eyes and looked at him through her tears.
"It's over...they will no longer hurt anyone.." She spoke as if reassuring herself.

"What have you done.." He mumbled to himself as he saw blood running down her nose and felt her heartbeat slow down under his touch.

"Why...why did you do this..." Aelia came running and fell to her knees next to Evanora, she held her hand and sobbed. Evanora struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Nora! Open your eyes, stay with me. We will get through this too, We will go home and you will be okay. Just don't close your eyes." Rokan begged her as he rocked both of their bodies back and forth.

"I don't think I will be able to.." Evanora's features softened and smiled at his word, "Home". She barely managed to say the words and then lifted her hand to his face. She put her palm on his forehead and looked into his eyes. "Timing was never on our side, was it? "

Rokan felt dizzy and thought he started hallucinating as his surroundings were starting to change. He suddenly found himself standing at his own castle's doors, watching himself and Evanora on his horse approaching the gates.

He watched every simple interaction they had and felt his heart beat faster, he remembered clearly how he felt that day but now he was feeling something else, he was sensing things for the first time, it was as if these feelings weren't his... Instead, they were Evanora's.

His surroundings kept changing. He kept revisiting places he went to with Evanora, the forest, the hall, his room, the garden... And he was feeling everything Evanora has ever felt; he felt her excitement and joy every time she saw him from a distance. Her nervousness when he approached her.

The weird feeling at the bottom of her stomach when they danced together and he felt her heartache as she let go of his hand and left for the tower. He felt her heartache as she smiled at him when he locked the door of the main hall and the sadness that ripped at her heart.

He could no longer breathe and his eyes flared open, his lips slightly parted. An icy shiver traveled down his spine as he saw her lifeless body in his arms. He couldn't feel her breath or her heartbeat.

Aelia was crying hysterically while Duman hugged her. His face paled, eyes burning red from the unshed tears.

Evanora's body was turning cold, little by little, till she lost all color. Rokan's hands trembled and the blood froze in his veins as he watched in horror what was happening to her body. Slowly every part of her was turning into grey ashes and floating into the air before disappearing.

Rokan's body shook violently with pain as he watched her body disappear as if she was never real.

Everyone around him stood frozen, incapable of doing anything to bring her back to him.

A painful howl echoed in the distance.

------------- End.

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