[52] Are You President Kim's Girlfriend?

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As soon as she heard this, Y/N furrowed her brows, "What do you plan on giving me this time?"

After the Somi incident, as predicted by Y/N, the jerk actually exposed to the media that Somi had instigated murder. He even proposed to bring his mistress' parents in front of everyone as proof.

The netizens couldn't help but sigh. They couldn't believe someone so shameless existed in the world. Anyone with eyes could see that if Somi was such a scheming person, she would not simply sit through so many years of violence. However, the jerk insisted.

The public watched on solemnly waiting to see the man's next move as they continued to take notice of the media circus that was unfolding.

In private, Y/N asked Chanyeol to investigate the mistress' parents and to find out their thoughts on her death.

Meanwhile, Somi was unfazed, "They can go on the news if they want. I want to see how devoid of humanity they are."

Suho looked at Somi questioningly, "You don't think we should do some PR?"

"No need," Somi replied assuringly. As these two words left her mouth, her voice contained a sense of freedom.

Suho was still doubtful, so he reconfirmed, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I want to wait and see how that jerk plans on making a comeback!"

Although Suho trusted Somi, he still made suitable preparations.

Somi and the others sat in the hospital room as they watched the jerk, Jaehyun, being interviewed on TV, "Everyone is merely sympathetic to Somi because she was beaten, but are any of you aware of how ruthless she is? While everyone is focused on her being beaten, why hasn't anyone taken note of Somi beating up others?"

"Back in the days, I indeed hurt her, but we weren't married. During the time I was with Mia, I already broke up with Somi. None of you had any idea that Mia wasn't a mistress."

"Somi has been lying all along. She hired someone to kill Mia...she is a murderer."

Beside Jaehyun sat a seemingly cultured couple. Their image and presence made them appear well educated. While Jaehyun talked, their expressions turned pale. The media assumed they reacted this way because of the anger they felt from discovering the cause of their daughter's death.

"Auntie and uncle I am sorry, I haven't allowed Mia to die in peace and have watched idly as her reputation got tarnished. I am extremely apologetic to the two of you. I have asked you here today so you can reveal the truth."

The couple turned and looked at Jaehyun. Mia's father was the first to react as he stood up and accepted the microphone from Jaehyun. He then did something that shocked everyone on set: he started bashing the microphone against Jaehyun's head...every hit was strong and filled with anger. Luckily Jaehyun dodged swiftly and merely received a few cuts to his skin...

All the reporters present were in an uproar...

"You vile creature," Mia's Father yelled. "Although I don't want to reveal our family's skeletons, I can't go against my conscience."

"While you were with Mia, you were still in a relationship with Somi. Our entire family are aware that you were discovered naked having an affair. If you want to clear your name, you are dreaming!"

"I didn't want to appear on the news, nor did I want to get justice for my daughter. She wasn't wronged, she got what was coming for her!" Mia's Father yelled emotionally. "Regarding Somi, the two of us must express our views. Over the past few days, news about her has escalated dramatically. This was how we learned of all the suffering she has received from this vile creature!"

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