[78] This Time, The Park Family Will Put on a Good Show!

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"A grown man can't even keep up with a pregnant woman. Foreigners sure are fussy," Elder Kim scoffed as he sat to the side and waved his fan. "If it was me, I wouldn't care even if he died. I would only care about filming."

Because of Y/N's persuasion, Lee Sun Kyun came to a compromise and slowed down the rate of filming.

Taka was quite surprised by this as he said to Y/N in broken Chinese, "I'm quite amazed by you. Why does the production crew always listen to you? Do you know how American directors are like? If you don't perform well, they're the type to kick you out straight away!"

Y/N couldn't help but burst out laughing, "I don't do anything special. I'm simply genuine in front of them."

Taka scoffed and said in a disapproving manner, "You Asians are troublesome."

"You're nothing like us Westerners. If we like something, then we like it; if we don't like something, then we don't. We don't act nice like you guys."

Y/N couldn't deny this statement.

She raised her head and smiled at Taehyung who was talking on the phone not too far away.

A moment later, Taehyung returned to Y/N's side and covered her with a jacket, "Suho has organized the first round of promotions for 'The Lost Relative'. Survey results show that it is the second most anticipated film after 'W.H.'. Also, a big American Director has taken interest in you and Namjoon."

"Really?" Y/N once again experienced the joys of being an actress.

"I've told you before that you're Kim Entertainment's future superstar," Taehyung hugged her and gave her a firm answer. "You deserve it."

"In that case...should I meet with the director?"

"I'm sorry Mrs Kim, I've made you lose the opportunity to pursue the international film stage. I still remember how you gave up on the Victoria's Secret runway because of me too."

Y/N looked at Taehyung and reached out her hand to trace the curves of his handsome face, "It's not called giving up, it's called working together as a married couple. I don't see you mentioning the fact that you abandoned Kim Entertainment to take care of me? As long as it is for the sake of each other, it's not considered giving up. Because we gain more than we give."

"I will never regret any decision I make, nor will I stubbornly chase a particular status. You have taught me that there are a lot more possibilities in my life than I can see."

"Giving birth does not mean the end of my acting career. An actor is judged on their acting ability, not their age."

Taehyung looked at Y/N; at her mesmerizing confidence. His lips slowly curved upwards.

Taehyung knew how rare someone like Y/N was. Perhaps, there wouldn't be anyone else in the world who viewed everything so clearly.


Y/N had stopped appearing as often in front of the public for quite some time, but Kim Entertainment did not feel worried at all, because all three of Y/N's films were listed in the hottest film rankings.

Although 'Stupid' stopped screening, it had left a lasting influence on the industry. It's unique approach made film fans discover an alternative method of screenwriting.

Most surprising of all, was Y/N. Although she was just a supporting character, the female actress that she created, was extremely memorable. Best of all, she still had two films to release to the world.

Discussions surrounding Y/N did not reduce at all. In fact, she continued to be even more popular than actors that appeared often on variety shows and TV.

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