01. I tried, i tried

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April 2014

I was running as fast as my feet would take me. Dozens of widows were running behind me, some I've trained with, some I haven't. I turned into a restricted hallway using a keycard I'd stolen from a guard. None of the girls followed me in but I knew they were waiting outside. I also knew that he was watching me through the hundreds of cameras he had.

Dreykov. The man behind the red room and the thousands of widows around the world.

This has only ever happened once years ago when a widow managed to escape the lies they were fed convincing them that they had free will. And since then he's made sure no one could escape again.

Her name was Natalia Romanova. Rumor has it she was the one who attempted to kill Dreykov and blew up his daughter.

I quickly looked around at my surroundings checking for anything I could use to help myself.

"C'mon cmon," I mumbled to no one, slamming my hands aggressively onto the screen that was in front of me.

Due to this major setback of getting stuck in the room, my well-formulated plan just got thrown out the window. I now have two choices. 1: somehow escape the place Dreykov's kept hidden for years and only one person has ever escaped from with the help of people or 2, die. If I didn't escape and get caught, they would torture and brainwash me till I probably didn't even know my name so If worst came to worst, ill take myself out.

I looked above me and saw a vent. I smiled to myself as an idea formed in my head.

"Alright, let's do this," I whispered to myself.

I quickly took out my gun and swiftly shot the camera before standing myself up on the screen stand. I reached up to unscrew the screws with the tip of my knife and punch the grate. After three hard punches, the vent cover flew up into the vent and fell onto the floor below me.

I jumped from the stand and gripped onto the edge of the vent with my fingers, pulling myself up with a grunt. The vents were narrow and dark as I crawled through them.

I crawled for what felt like an hour and finally dropped down into a hallway I didn't recognize. I looked around quickly for cameras and shot any that stared back at me.

Should I try to find the lab? I asked myself. I decided to just try to make it out of there alive and to find an exit.

I ran straight and turned to my right, coming face to face with a large black door. I wiggled open the lock, becoming suspicious about how easy it was to pick it. Suspicion crept into my mind as I opened it anyway.

"Curiosity is going to kill this cat at one point" I mumbled, walking in.

Inside was what looked to be someone's quarters. The bed was covered in a lilac duvet which I thought was weird considering the sheets in here were only ever white. On the desk were a bunch of papers that looked too complex to comprehend. On the papers was writing about gasses that I didn't have enough time to care about.

I went through the drawers on the dresser and nightstand for anything useful. Other than a few pads I found nothing useful. I lifted a bible from the drawer and shook it. It was a fake. I ripped it open to find a hallowed book with a sort of pen in the middle.

"What the hell is this?" I whispered while holding it close to my eyes for inspection.

On the right of the item was a button. I shrugged and pointed it towards the wall in case it was like a bomb or something. I pushed the button slowly and held my breath.

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