08. Under the bridge

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We were back in the car, only now we were tightly cramped driving on a bridge. Sitwell was to my left, Nat was to my right, Steve was in the passenger seat and Sam drove. I really hated this arrangement.

It's not that I didn't have enough room, I was always sort of small for my age so I still had enough room for comfort. It was the fact that a man I had just met on a roof after we tried to kill him was next to me.

I tried to ignore all this and just continued happily sipping on my strawberry peach smoothie Sam had bought for me on the way out. It was single-handedly the best thing I've ever tasted.

On the ride down on the elevator and during the wait for my smoothie, I told Nat about my memory. She seemed uneasy about the whole thing until I practically threatened her to spit it out. She told me that for a year of my life, I was the property of HYDRA in exchange for the vials they had lent the Red Room to experiment on me. During my stay at the HYDRA hotel which was more like a torture house, I shadowed the Winter Soldier on his missions to learn from him.

I was appalled that she forgot to mention that minor detail when I told her to tell me everything back in that man's brain but I wasn't in the mood to be mad at anyone right now. I was so tired of everything that I just accepted her apology and went on like everything was normal. But to me, it wasn't.

In my memory, It was like I was extremely close to him, a killing machine. I guessed that's what I am or was too. It seemed as though he was close to me as well, almost like I loved him if I was willing to stay for him. But of course, I don't remember any of that. The whole thing just made me a bit queasy, but I didn't have time for it right now so I pushed the feeling down.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell announced.

"Nikogo ne volnuyet Iyssy muzhchina." I grumbled, earning a slap on the knee from Natasha. (No one cares bald man)

Simultaneously as I said my peace Sam ordered Sitwell to put a cork in it, making me laugh.

"I'm sorry but does this kid only speak Russian?" He asked rather frantically for no reason.

I sent him a deadly glare before Nat turned my shoulders around for me.

"Ponchemu lysyy v panike?" I asked Nat with a quizzed look on my face while my smoothie slightly spilled in my lap from a road bump causing me to frown. (Why is the bald man panicking?)

Nat simply shrugged her shoulders before leaning forward to the front seat.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours we're cutting it a little bit close here," Nat informed the men up front.

"I know, we'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly," Steve replied, looking out the window.

"What, are you crazy!?" Sitwell yelled. "That is a terrible idea."

I rolled my eyes at his concern before they furrowed due to the sound coming from the car's top.

"What was that?" I questioned, looking up at the sound.

As if on cue to answer my question, the window next to Sitwell was broken and the man was grabbed and thrown out screaming like a child straight onto the bumper of an 18-wheeler truck.

I attempted to grab him before he slipped out fully but obviously missed.  My eyes were wide in surprise at what I just witnessed. "What the hell!" I yelled before Nat looked up and put a hand on my mouth.

She pushed me to the side of the car where Sitwell was just pulled out of as she maneuvered to Steve's lap just in time before her seat got shot into from above.

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