04. The night we met

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"Hello, Natalia." I greeted, no amount of emotion lacing my face.

A distant look crept into her eyes as they stared intensely at my face as if she was remembering something.

"Hello random kid I don't know." She answered, clearing her throat while she straightened her back, looking at the symbol on my belt.

"You and I know I have never been a kid if I was raised there," I answered smugly.

Her lips formed a thin line as she watched me move to the side. "You here to kill me?"

"Us actually, I am here to kill you both," I replied as I shook my head slowly, pointing to the camera on my suit hoping she would get the hint.

"Help me,"  I mouthed "he's making me." No words came out of my mouth but I could tell she understood. She nodded and stepped forward.

"Let's do it then." She agreed. Steven looked at her like she was insane, clearly not getting my mouthing.

I sighed at this. This is why widows were women.

"Great I thought you were just going to stand there and make conversation." I played along.

"Nat, what she's like 12?" He questioned.

"Don't step in it's my business I'll take care of it." She instructed him.

At that, he stepped back with his hands up.

She struck first, going for my neck. I easily avoided it and struck her back, getting close to her ear.

"Kick me in the chest to break the camera," I whispered quickly before attempting to sweep her off her feet. She effortlessly jumped over my legs and attempted to kick my face.

I gave her an offended look. She shrugged in response.

I quickly got back on my feet, and threw a punch that I knew she would purposely catch and when she did she brought me close to her face again.

"Hurry up I can take it."

She nodded as I used my weight to move in front of her. The hardest part of sparring while not trying to hurt each other was making it look believable.

I did the same move I did on Katerina last night where I used her punch to bring me up and over on her shoulders. I twisted this time when I fell back to make her neck and shoulders twist. That was just to show I wasn't a weakling and knew what I was doing.

I had no idea if the camera collected sound but I knew for sure my earpiece didn't unless I pressed it.

I threw another false punch which she caught. She gave me the smallest nod before she brought her leg up and kicked me hard. I flew backward with a gasp as the air left my chest. I landed with an oof, hitting my back on the concrete using a break fall method to save my head.

I got up cautiously, smiling when I heard pieces of glass fall to the ground knowing it was my camera.

"Are we done?" Natasha asked

"Yeah, thank you," I said.

"What the hell just happened?" Steven asked as he eyed me cautiously while I brushed myself off, taking a knife from my pocket.

"I will tell you on the way, we got 2 minutes at most. Natalia helped me get the tracker out.

"It's Natasha." She said as she held my leg down.

I looked at her expectantly, "Two fingers down from the top of your leg." She said.

I nodded as I let out a breath before I drove the knife down into my leg and dragging downward to create a slit. Steve grimaced noticeably while Natalia only slightly cringed.

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