17- Its hard to be at a party

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"Wow, Doll you look great," Natasha told Irena as she exited the bathroom.

"Thanks," Irena replied in a hesitant tone while she adjusted her dress unnecessarily.

Clint was right about saying "Oh boy" to the dress shopping. The two girls visited 4 stores to find a dress that Irena felt comfortable in. After the second store, she was ready to give up but Natasha was determined to find the perfect dress.

The party was a big deal as many important people were invited to celebrate the Avengers. Anyone could tell Irena was nervous about attending.

Her dress was a simple black dress with the middle portion around her mid-drift a meshy sort of see-through material decorated with black flowers. Although it was slightly tight, the dress was modest, which Irena enjoyed. It wasn't too long, too tight, or too revealing. To her it was perfect.

It was also a gift from Tony who gave her his card when she ran into the lab excitedly to tell him, Steve, and Bruce. His exact words were "Go crazy, live your life, don't die Ivanakof."

Irena thought the conditions were doable and agreed to them. In total, she spent 85 dollars after she bought the dress, a pair of earrings, a second piercing, and a pair of shoes to match her dress.

The dress shopping was enjoyable after the dress was found, which Irena found funny. On their way out, Natasha spotted a jewelry place that was having a sale on ear piercings for anyone under 15.

Since Irena always complemented Natasha's various pieces of jewelry on her ears, Natasha pointed it out to the girl who was more than happy to agree. When the needle met her ears she didn't even blink. She practically felt nothing, to her a small needle poke was a peaceful walk in the park. She chose a tiny gold star stud that she was ordered to keep for 6-8 weeks.

When she showed everyone back at the tower they all woahed and were awed at Irena's jewelry and shoes but she refused to show the dress until they saw her at the party. Her shoes were simple black dress shoes with a small heel on the bottom. They had a small flower design in black glitter on the side which matched the dress perfectly.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head at her hesitation. "What's wrong?"  She pressed.

Irena, who seemingly exited a trance from zoning out blinked before she answered. "Nothing I've just never been so dressed up," She explained. "Or gone to a party with more than seven people."

"You'll be fine Doll, I mean it'll probably be a little boring 'cause of all the old people but you can stick by me the whole time if you want," Natasha assured her.

Irena formed her lips into a tight line before she replied. "Alright let's go." She said finally.

"Okay," Nat smiled. "Oh wait here, put some of this on." She said as she pulled a tube of lipgloss out of her purse.

Irena scrunched her face in question. "What is that?" She asked upon looking at the slightly pink-tinted liquid in the tube.

"It's lipgloss," Natasha said, almost appalled at the fact Irena didn't know what it was. "You've been in the States almost 9 months and I've never shown you what lipgloss is?" She questioned.

Irena shook her head to answer no. She thought it looked like the liquid lipstick the Red Room made them all apply when they were taught how to be seductive as little girls, but that was opaque and brightly colored. This was more clear and barely tinted in a see-through bottle.

At Irena's answer, Natasha jokingly held her head in her hands as if she was processing painful information. "Oh my god, I am failing." She exclaimed.

Suddenly Irena's nervousness was washed away. Her mouth cracked into a wide smile as she giggled at Natasha who was still pretending to be in pain. "No Nat you're doing a great job do not worry." She assured her mother.

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