07. Little moon face

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I didn't wait in the car.

We spent the night at Sam's to rest up and strategize before we executed our plan. It was now midday and I was arguing with Natasha over letting me help today.

I followed her all around the house reminding her of all the details and points that should allow me to join them. I only shut up when they sat me in front of the TV  and played a movie they called 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' while Natasha braided my hair into an intricate hairstyle.

I found similarities between one of the main characters, Ash, and I. We were both different, but different isn't always bad according to the movie.

Your bad, whether it was in the past or present, their blood with cover your hands.

I tried my best to shut down the thoughts that circled through my mind. I hated them, no matter how hard I tried they always stayed.

Natasha tied a hair tie to the end of one of the small braids when I looked to my side to ask her a question that had been on my mind.

"Natasha?" I started while I waited for her to get her hands out of my hair. 

"Hm?" She hummed in response.

"Are you my...drug?" I sheepishly asked as I picked at my lips while I waited for her answer. (friend)

English was still a language that sometimes slipped my mind even though I was fluent, so when I couldn't think of the word I said it in my mother tongue.

Nat's face softened at my question, she put on a small smile and held my shoulders. The act made me slightly flinch.

"Yes Irena, I'm your friend." She smiled.

I beamed at the red-headed woman. I had never had a friend before. I felt a pang of pride soar through my body at this achievement. 

"You are my first-ever friend," I informed her.

"Really? Well then now we're best friends." She said as she smiled even wider before she spun me around to finish my braid.

She talked to me the same way someone would talk to a child who was trying to show them a horrible drawing they had drawn, but I didn't mind for an odd reason.

Best friends, woah. My first friend ever is my best friend!

When she was finished I had a simple French braid in the back with some hair out around it and other small braids coming from it, resting on my shoulders.

"Let's hit the road!" Sam called out from the kitchen island where he sat watching Nat and I converse as he drank the protein shake he had made for him and Steve.

We were all in the car going over the plan. I was going to be with Steve and Nat on the roof doing absolutely nothing and Sam would make the call. I usually demand to be a part of important conversations such as these but I was too distracted by the magic 8-ball Sam had given me.

"This tiny black ball can't tell my future for real, right Sam?" I questioned as I lifted the item above my head to see my fortune.

"You never know kid, only time will tell." He answered with a shrug from the driver's seat as he looked back at me through the rearview mirror before immersing himself back into the conversation.

"So weird" I whispered to myself while I shook it again.

I didn't like my answer so I shook it again. Each time I shook it it gave me a different answer but not the one I wanted.

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