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The girl ran outside the small gas station where she sat patiently on the floor for hours as she heard the chopping sound of helicopter blades approaching.

Irena saw Natasha's red hair from 20 feet away. As the chopper landed she got a better look at the passengers within it. In the front was Maria Hill acting as the aviator, next to her was Steve Rodgers looking much better than he did the last time the young girl saw him. She felt relieved to see his healthy appearance.

In the back behind the two up front were Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson—her friends. Irena stood by the door waiting for the helicopter to fully come to a stop on the ground before she dared to approach it.

She saw Natasha rapidly begin to take off her seatbelt before the vehicle even made contact with the ground. When it hit the floor Natasha ripped off her headphones and jumped down from the tall seats.

She started to run towards the girl which made Irena run to meet her as well. The others watched with small smiles on their faces, slowly taking off their safety belts and getting down as the two assassins enveloped each other in a sloppy hug.

Irena's head rested just under Natasha's chin as she held her tight. They both laughed in relief as they fought off the tears of happiness that threatened to form.

Irena thought she had lost Natasha forever after only just getting her back. She didn't want ever to let go in this moment.

"Oh thank god, are you okay?" Natasha sniffed as she breathed out the question, not daring to let go of the girl.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me." The girl assured the worried woman. Irena assumed she knew who had taken her but she didn't know why, no one did besides her.

Natasha knew what James was capable of. She'd seen it firsthand, in D.C., in Ukraine, and in the Academy. His mind was unstable and most likely always will be. He seemed fine for weeks after a wipe until he wasn't. His behavior would become erratic from being just fine only days before and then suddenly he was choking you while you slept.

"You sure? Not even if he didn't mean it?" She pressed, she wanted to be sure what had happened during the time she wasn't there when she should've been.

Irena stayed silent for a second as she heard the others approach them, staying behind at a good distance to let the two girls have their space.

"It was an accident, he did not mean it, he was dreaming," Irena whispered, holding on tighter and burying her face deeper into Nat's coat that smelt of the familiar scent of vanilla and lilacs. A scent that became safe to the girl.

Natasha broke from the hug to look into the girl's eyes, she held on tightly to her shoulders as her face grew serious with worry and question.

"What did he do to you?" She asked, looking straight into the young girl's eyes.

Irena attempted to look at Sam behind Natasha but her line of sight was driven back by Nat's pale green eyes.

"He was dreaming, it was nothing." She refused.

"What did he do Irena?" Nat pressed, careful to keep her voice steady and calm but also firm.

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