02. Almost out

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My cell is white and small. I sat in the middle of the room picking at the plate of food I was given. I was served a small steak and potatoes with milk and broccoli.  Why the hell was I served better food as a prisoner than a widow?

I was hesitant to eat my food although I could practically hear my stomach growling. I didn't want to risk them slipping something in my food and then I become all robot-like again. I let out a sigh as I pushed the plate away from me, giving it a longing look.

I continued to stare at the plate for a minute before I heard a crackling sound behind me. Popping up immediately, I looked in the direction where the noise took place.

"Eat up miss Ivanakof, I promise we didn't spike you." Dreykov chuckled through what had to be a secret speaker.

I expected there to be cameras I just hadn't seen them yet. The thought made me slightly uneasy.

In response, I picked up a potato and threw it at where I guessed the speaker was.

"Now Irena dear no need to be hasty, you and I both know you need energy." He said.

I grunted in anger as I heard the speaker click off. I hated the sound of his voice. I looked back at my food sitting on its plate and gave in. I sat down and started to indulge in potatoes before cutting into the steak. I wasn't a big fan of milk but I was so thirsty I didn't care.

I looked at myself in the mirror. What was I thinking?  I felt different, older. My hair was down and not containing a braid for the first time in forever, my freckles were slowly fading, and my lips had become more pale.

My new suit was black, better than any suit I've had before. It had multiple pockets and a red hourglass on the belt and right arm sleeve. on the belts had a space for grappling hooks, holsters, and even pens.

I tilted my head at my reflection before bringing my hands up to my head and began to section my hair. I braided it into the same hairstyle the girl Svetlana had, two French braids that connected in the back of my head into a twisted bun. The hairstyle itself took me about 15 to 20 minutes.

When I finished I admired my work and smoothed out any visible bumps. I heard footsteps approaching as I tugged on the braids and whipped my head to the right. I glared at the widow I didn't recognize at the door. Suddenly the intercom clicked on again.

"This here is Katerina, she will be taking you to your last training session before your mission, make it count." He informed.

I looked back to the girl he called Katerina. "How is it hanging?" I ask sarcastically.

At this, she grabbed my solder harshly and pushed me out of the cell. I winced at the wounds that were still stinging. They were bandaged so tightly that I almost didn't feel much.

"I will be refreshing your shooting and combat skills as well as manipulation. You will work hard and try or you will be punished, is that clear?" She ordered.

"Crystal," I replied as she veered me to the left, my hands still in metal bonds.

She led me into training room 6. Illuminated by only the lights above I could tell it was empty. The cameras moved with the motion of the two of us.

"We will start with your attacks and counterattacks," Katerina said while removing my cuffs.

I rubbed my wrists before I stretched to the best of my ability.

"What level are you?" She asked.

"Vosem," I reply in Russian, forgetting the english translation. (8)

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