18- Party foul

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Hours later the party was finally over and the large sum of people slowly dissipated into the six Avengers plus Helen Cho, Maria Hill, Rhodey, Irena, and Sam

Helen was curled up on a chair asleep while the rest of them sat around a table on the couch drinking beers and laughing.

Irena was curled up as well with her head resting in Natasha's lap while her body was on her side so she could face the adults.

Clint and Thor were going on about how Thor being the only one who could pick up his hammer was a trick.

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth my power!" Clint mocked with his arms out towards Mjollnir.

Irena giggled at Clint's interpretation of Thor along with the rest of the team. Natasha subconsciously ran her hands through Irena's hair and fidgeted with long strands of it. The action made Irena smile and feel an odd flutter in her chest.

"It's a trick!" Clint exclaimed.

"Well, you're welcome to be my guest," Thor replied with a smile as Steve handed him another beverage.

Irena didn't see the point of him drinking if he couldn't get drunk on human alcohol but she didn't question him.

Clint went quiet at Thor's words before he insisted Clint tried to lift the magical weapon.

"Really? Alright." Clint grumbled as he got up from his spot on the floor next to Maria Hill.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful," Rhodes said as everyone around them giggled and whispered their predictions.

"Clint you've had a tough week we won't hold it against you if you can't lift it." Tony joked.

Irena smiled widely at all the trash talk being passed around and rotated her head to look up at Nat.

"Do you think he will lift it, Tasha?" Irena questioned while she aimlessly toyed with the locket around her neck.

"Oh, absolutely not." She replied as she closed her eyes and shook her head once towards the left.

"Oh well, thanks Nat," Clint added rather offended.

Natasha just playfully shrugged in response while Irena laughed.

"You know I've seen this before right?" Clint told Thor before he grabbed onto the hammer and pulled with all his might. He grunted loudly and finally let go when mjölnir didn't even budge.

"I still don't know how you do it!" Clint laughed hysterically.

Everyone laughed at the man's former confidence before he was proved wrong.

"Do you feel the silent judgment?" Stark deadpanned to Clint which cued more sounds of amusement.

"By all means Stark, be my guest." Clint gestured from Tony to Mjölnir.

Everyone whooped and clapped for the man besides Nat who just watched with amusement laced on her face.

"So if I lift it do I get to rule Asgard?" Tony turned to Thor.

"Of course," Thor replied with the raise of his hand.

"Alright then," Tony replied before he reached for the hammer and pulled.

When it didn't move Tony took off his watch and started to walk away.

"I'll be right back." He assured.

Irena scrunched her face in question at where he was going until he came back with his suit on up to just above his wrist.

"Did you really get your suit when it's not gonna move no matter what?" Irena scoffed.

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