03. Land of the free

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I woke up to something the jolting of my body. The aircraft shook as it hovered closer over the city. I groaned and brought my hands to my temples. My head was throbbing from whatever they gave me. As I brought my arm up I noticed something tugging on it. I looked at the side of me to see an IV connected to my arm and coiling up the tube was a bag of fluids

"Glad you could finally join us," Svetlana mumbled as she adjusted the large gun in her hands.

Why the hell did she have an AK I thought I was only getting off.

"You drugged me," I complained as if it wasn't obvious.

"Ah yes but we also gave you yummy pain meds." She justified.

How was she talking so freely? Dreykov must've granted her permission or something.

"Thanks, I guess?" I replied, still confused as hell. "Wait what did you give me that kept me knocked out for whole damn ride?"

"Classified, but it didn't we have you multiple doses." She answered as she grabbed a parachute from under her seat.

"We'll be dropping you in 10 minutes so let us go over parachuting yes?" She said.

"I already know how to parachute," I answered, looking down suddenly ashamed for no reason.

"Well, I said it was a review for a reason." Svetlana countered with the rolling her eyes.

"Alright then."

" Okay, I've already strapped on your camera and put it in your earpiece so you're almost set." She informed me.

I didn't answer, just brought a hand up to my ear to confirm her words were true.

"Not a talker, got it." Svetlana made a note out loud. "So when you are in air hold onto the strap and then pull it when you're ready, if it doesn't go up then pull the backup one on your legs."

"If we dropping above city wouldn't the civilians see it?" I question as if it was obvious.

"The actual parachute isn't visible, you just got to be fast so no people look up and see floating girl in air." Her English was somewhat broken as many girls aswell as mine were.

"That is risky," I grumbled, clearly mad about their sloppiness.

"This whole mission is risky." She replied bitterly.

I looked at her for a moment before asking my question. " Svetlana, have you had your graduation ceremony?" I asked even though I knew the answer. She was well over the average age of graduation and was Dreykov's right-hand widow.

"Yes, I have." She replied looking down for a moment before refurbishing her stoic face.

"Grotov brosit!" The pilot yelled from the front of the plane. ( ready to drop!)

"That's your cue," Svetlana said, getting up.

I stopped breathing for a split second. I am not afraid, afraid is for the weak, being afraid makes you dead. I told myself before I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped into the harness.

"We are right above a building Irena Ivanakof so it will be an easy landing if you steer correctly." She informed me while she pressed the button to open the hatch on the ship.

I let out a deep breath as I approached the edge. I readied my hands on the steers and bent my knees. Svetlana put goggles on my head awkwardly and stepped to the side.

"Irena," She started, waiting for me to look at her. "Don't let us down."

I gave her a single small nod before I let out a large breath and jumped from the vessel.

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