20- The unspoken things

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Hot was an understatement. The place was scorching and swampy. The water was an opaque brown color and over it, thick layers of cracked mud caked the top. A pale yellow was the word to describe the color of the overcast sky.

Overall, Irena hated it. She hated the heat, and the color of the atmosphere, it gave her an odd feeling in her stomach.

"Ew, the air is sticky," Irena complained as her face showed a great example of what she felt.

Natasha chuckled at the girl's form of description. One thing about Irena that she started to notice is that if she didn't know what a word was or how to describe what she felt using technical terms, she was great at describing it in odd ways that made your think.

"That's called humidity Doll," Nat informed her.

At this moment in time, Irena regretted not staying with Maria, even if it meant technically staying alone because Maria was so busy at work trying to figure this whole Ultron problem out.

"I don't know what humidity is, but I don't like it," Irena concluded.

Nat scoffed and gave a small shrug. " Yeah, I bet, you definitely didn't get any of that in Russia."

"Nope, just snow pretty much," Irena said. "And 13 years of intense abuse."

"Twins." Nat deadpanned as she cocked her gun.

Irena did the same. They were entering the ship that the man from the file- Ulysses Klaw, was believed to work on. Their initiative was to get info out of him before Ultron could.

Natasha, Clint, and her would scale the top levels and strike from above while Tony, Steve, and Thor went to find Ulysses while Bruce stayed on the Quinjet. At least that was the plan. As soon as they entered the ship that was supposed to be bustling with workers and noises, Irena felt that something was off. It was quiet and almost completely dark.

"Something's not right," Nat whispered to the trio.

"You read my mind," Irena mumbled back.

As they got deeper the eerier it got. The silence slowly morphed into muffled words. A powerful voice boomed through the atmosphere when they finally entered the section where the voices resided.

As an unpleasant surprise, Ultron got there before they did. In front of a storage unit containing what looked to be multiple pill-shaped cases of metal- most likely vibranium, stood Ultron, two people Irena recognized as the Maximoff twins, Ulysses, and two other randoms.

"Oh well, this is perfect," Irena whispered as she threw her hands up in the air then let them rest to her side.

"Shit, Stark, Ultron's in the ship," Nat said into her comm.

"What's the play here now?" Clint asked.

"Same as when we came in, just a few added obstacles," Natasha replied as she looked at both of them.

As Irena took a closer look she noticed that Ulysses was armless, unlike his photo.

"Oh my god his arm got ripped off!" Irena whisper-yelled with the added rapid pointing of her finger.

Natasha gave her a firm look that was in between "good point" and "shut up if you don't want us to get made." At this look, Irena closed her once-open mouth and looked away sheepishly.

"Don't compare me to Stark!" Ultron yelled at a trembling Ulysses before he whacked him down a flight of stairs. The two randoms who were most likely his bodyguards followed.

"Oh," Irena said.

"It's a thing with me. Stark's a... he's a sickness!" Ultron exclaimed.

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