09. Mind over matter

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"It was him," Steve said grimly as he looked at the metal bonds that held all of our hands together. "He looked right at me like he didn't know me."

How is that even possible it was like 70 years ago." Sam asked him.

"It's true, in my memory he was there with me," I confirmed with my breath labored. "I could not have been more than five so that was around 2007 ish."

We were all locked in a containment car with two armed officers. Our hands and feet were clasped with heavy metal bindings that were almost impossible to break.

To my displeasure, I was squished between Sam and Nat like the middle of a sandwich.

The pain in my arm was excruciating and at this point, I was trying to gaslight myself into thinking it didn't hurt, but I still found myself wincing at any speed bumps.

"Zola, Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43," Steve stated. "Zola experimented on him and whatever he did made him survive the fall."

"In my memory, I called him Jamie, where did you get Bucky from?" I questioned my face in a permanent scowl from the pain I was in.

"His full name is James Buchanan Barnes, after the president." He answered like it was common knowledge.

I just nodded, partially because the pain coursing through my body was so severe and also because I didn't know what the hell any President after the 3rd one was.

"None of that's your fault, Steve." Nat comforted him.

"Even when I knew I had nothing, I had Bucky." He answered, staring at the wall behind Sam very intensely.

As a shot of pain jolted up my arm I rested my head back against the wall with my face contorted, showing my obvious pain. My breathing was more difficult as I tried to mellow it to control my discomfort.

"Yebat," I whispered, closing my eyes tighter trying to focus on anything else but my pain. (Fuck)

Sam looked over to me and then down to my wound which was still very noticeably bleeding. I noticed his eyebrows furrow with concern before he turned away and I closed my eyes again.

"We need a doctor here," Sam ordered the two guards. "If we don't put pressure on this wound she's gonna bleed out right here in this truck."

"That would be such a lame way to die," I grumbled angrily, still looking at the ceiling. I felt like I was going to be sick from pain.

Nat shushed me in a semi-comforting- semi "shut up" manner as everyone's eyes averted from me to the guards who didn't even react.

"Oh yeah, just let the 13-year-old die, thanks a lot you bitches." I glared, actually pulling up my head to look at them.

In response, the guard to the left close to Sam, sprang out of their seat and used a giant ass taser to tase their partner.

My head snapped back in initial surprise as I watched. "Woah, plot twist," I said to myself.

All our eyes stared expectantly at the guard who was struggling to take off their helmet.

When the helmet eventually came off it revealed a woman with dark side bangs and brown eyes. Steve and Nat seemed shocked to see whoever she was there, they definitely seemed to know her. She fixed her hair and placed her helmet down before she spoke.

"Ah, that thing was squeezing my brain." She announced.

My mouth flipped to an upside-down smile at her choice of greetings. I didn't have enough energy to laugh but I still found it funny.

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