Chocolate and Castiel

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Castiel x Reader, no romance, just friendship

Synopsis: your period arrives and you stay home in the bunker to suffer alone. However Castiel arrives, and plans change.

Word Count: 850

"Are you sure you don't want to come Y/N? You never turn down the chance to go on a hunt, is everything okay?" Sam asks as he packs his bag, getting ready to head for Ohio to hunt a Wendigo.

He was right, you had never turned down going on a hunt, you loved spending the time with two of your favorite people, Sam and Dean Winchester. However, you had just started your period, and did not want to spend the day in the car, and then in cramped motel quarters with two men who had no idea what you were going through. Instead you wanted to stay at the bunker, with your secret stash of chocolate, junk food and chick flicks to get your through the hell you would be facing the next couple of days.

Walking into the room, Dean plopped his army green duffle bag in front of you, "Hey, Y/N, where's your bag? I don't want to be waiting on you again, we got to get going."

"Dean, she's not going," Sam replied, looking at you, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"What the hell, Y/N, you never say no to a hunt, everything okay?" Dean asked, finally looking up at you.

Shaking your head yes, you push them towards the door as you state, "Everything's fine, just a little tired. It's only a little Wendigo, you don't need my help."

Each of the boys gave you a hug, and made you promise to call them, as they shut the door behind them. Finally you were alone, and you could finally show that you were in pain. Your cramps had started, and you were pretty sure getting tortured by Crowley would hurt less. Slowly making your way to your room, you change into your sweat pants and curl up into a ball underneath your blanket. Taking a chocolate bar you had looted from your stash, you munched on it, crying at the movie on your laptop.

In between crying at the movie, shoveling chocolate into your mouth, and lamenting why you had been born a girl, it took you a minute to realize you weren't alone. Looking up, you notice Castiel staring at you. "What are you doing here Cas?" You ask, knowing the answer before he opened his mouth.

"Sam and Dean were worried about you, asked me to watch over you. Is everything okay?" Castiel asked.

Knowing you wouldn't get away with lying, you tell Cas, "my monthly visitor's arrived." When he tilts his head, and squints his crystal blue eyes, you realize he has no idea what you are talking about. "You know Cas, my period."

"Oh, of course. What can I do, Y/N?" He says walking over to your bed. Just then, you had a really bad cramp and you moan, clutching your belly.

"Y/N?" he asks, placing his hand on your shoulder, looking uncomfortable.

"Well I wish you could take the pain away," you whisper, as the pain gets worse.

Taking his two fingers, he presses against your belly, and the pain vanishes. You still had your period,but no longer had any of the symptoms.

Jumping out from under your blanket, you kiss Cas on the cheek causing him to blush. "Thank you so much Cas, I feel so much better!"

"I'm glad you feel better, I will return to Sam and Dean and let them know," he said, walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Deciding since you were home by yourself for a couple of days, you wanted to get to know Castiel better. "Can we just hang out here, the two of us, until they get back. It would be nice to relax a bit."

Stopping, Castiel turned with a smile, he had tried to hide it, but he had a soft spot in his heart for you. "Of course, Y/N, anything you want."

Three Days Later:

Opening up the door, Sam and Dean walk into the bunker, not knowing what to expect. Cas had never gotten back to them, but you had texted them, telling them everything was okay. Walking down the stairs, they heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Walking in, they stop dead in their tracks. Both you and Castiel were covered in flour, along with half the kitchen.

Once Dean was able to talk he asked, "What the hell is going on in here Y/N? Is there a flour monster we didn't know about?"

Laughing you shake your head, "No I was just trying to teach Cas how to make pie. We've been busy getting to know each other."

"Yes, Y/N had her period, so I took care of it for her, then we've been hanging out," Castiel stated, seriously.

Turning bright red, you glare at Castiel. "Really Cas. You had to tell them everything?" Looking at Sam and Dean you noticed they were as bright red as you, which made you laugh. Deciding to not ruin your mood, you turn to your boys as you ask, "Hey, who wants pie?

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