Memory of a Kiss Part 2

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"Where am I?" You asked yourself, studying your area. Surrounding you were trees, and other dense forestation, and you knew you had somehow left the town, and made your way to the outskirts. The sun was starting to set, shining through the leaves, creating arcs of golden light upon the floor. Your chest heaving, you stood with your hands on your knees, ignoring the grass stains on them.

You had no idea what to do next. Keep running, hopefully finding someone who could help you, hoping your memory would slowly return. Or attempt to try to find those two men again, see if they were really trying to help you. Because, even in your frantic state, you hadn't missed the hurt, and terrified looks on their faces, especially the taller one, as you had taken off. Maybe taking off hadn't been your best move, but waking up with a bump on your headand no memory of who you were had scared you beyond reason.

Turning back the way you had come, you gingerly made your way, your feet sore, and no doubt bleeding from the multiple rocks and sticks you had stepped on in your haste. It was then you took in your state of dress, or undress. You were wearing a rumpled, and blood stained shirt, along with a pair of men's boxers. Your feet were bare, and you had a sinking suspicion that Sam had changed you. As you walked carefully down the cracked and broken sidewalk, you brushed the side of your head, wincing as you felt the gigantic bump.

Buildings began to appear, small houses, turning into apartment complexes, and stores, and soon you realized you had no idea how to get back to the hotel. Sometime during your walk you had decided that was your best course of action. Go back to those two men, who were maybe trying to help you after all. As you thought back to the way Sam had stared at you, his hazel eyes full of worry and concern, your head started pounding. Grasping it, you closed your eyes, as a vision of Sam filled your head. You were in a strange place, full of cold tile, and funny looking lamps, but it wasn't what caught your attention. It was the fact that you were sitting in a chair, and Sam had one hand on each side, effectively trapping you in. In your vision you weren't scared, or nervous, instead you were excited, ready for what was going to happen next. Sam was leaning down, his long, silky hair covering part of his face, his eyes darkening with what you thought was desire. You waited with baited breath as he inched closer, but before anything else happened, you were brought back into the here and now, with only a pounding headache the reminder of what you had just witnessed.

"Weird." You muttered to yourself. Either you were imagining things, or certain memories were trying to make their way back. The only way to know for sure was to find Sam, but you had no idea how far away you were from the hotel.

Not knowing what else to do, you closed your eyes, and a calm feeling came over you, knowing that if you prayed, somehow, someone out there would hear it. Wondering if you were really the praying type, you tried it. "I'm not sure who I should be praying to, or if anyone up there is even listening. But I could really used help. I've lost my way, and I don't know who I am. So, if you're listening, please, help me." 

After you had prayed, you stood there, feeling ridiculous.  Of course no one heard your prayer, why would they? Deciding your best course of action was to keep on moving, looking for any sort of familiar landmark, you picked left. It looked like It might contain hotels, and it was worth a shot. Taking one step, you were stopped by the sound of rustling feathers behind you. Your heart in your throat, you turned around, surprised to see a tall, trench coated man in front of you.

"Who are you?" You stuttered, wrapping your arms around you for support.

"Y/N? You do not recognize me? I'm still in the same vessel. I came when you called." The man answered, his voice deep, and rough.

Vessel, you asked yourself, wondering what he meant. "No, I don't recognize you, or anyone, or anything! And now I'm lost, and I have no idea what I should do next." You practically yelled at him.

Confetti It's A PARADE! Of Supernatural Imagines.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat