Being right isn't always a good thing

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Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: Your annoyed at the brothers, especially Dean, because they refuse to listen to you, even when there own lives are at stake.

"I was doing some research, and I noticed a pattern..." You started to say, stopping when you noticed that you didn't have the attention of either man you were hunting with. Sam was on his laptop, his hazel eyes busy as he looked at the local newspaper. Dean was laying on the other bed, using the last of your quarters for the magic fingers, headphones over his ears. You shook your head at him, wondering how you had fallen in love with such a goofball.

Giving up, you decide to go for a walk. Taking your coat off of the hanger, you start to tell them here you were going, but they were both too involved in their activities to even give you a second glance.

It was another job, in another small town, and you knew everything in town would be in walking distance. There was a chill in the air, fall had come in with a vengeance, and you pulled the collar of your coat up higher on your neck, shivering a little. You walk down the old part of town, noticing cute old houses lining the street, with old maple trees in their front yards. The leaves were turning, a glorious red, and you breathed in the scent of the crisp leaves. Seeing a small coffee shop around the corner, you enter, deciding to bring everyone back coffee.

The lady at the counter was sweet, and unassuming, asking about your life as she filled your order.

"Seems like you have guy trouble. Thats always the look of a girl who's guy isn't doing something right."

"He's just so busy with his job, it seems like he never listens to me anymore. No matter what it's about."

The lady pursed her lips together as she poured your last drink. "Honey, men never listen. It's a curse and a blessing. I hope things get better for the two of you."

Before she hands your order over, she places a free pastry in the bag. You thank her, and make your way down the street once again, walking faster this time, not wanting the coffee to get cold.

As you pass the corner, you stop in your tracks. An older man is being dragged into a house, by an equally old wife. She is strong for her age, and it made you suspicious. Taking your phone out, you try to nonchalantly look through the phone app, giving yourself a mental high five for being right. The old ladies eyes glowed, and you knew you had found the shifter you were hunting.

Rushing back to the motel room, you open the door, placing the coffee on the table.

"We've got to go! Now!" You yell. They both look up at you, not in any hurry to move.

"I just found the shifter, she's attacking an old man. We need to help her." You tell them, grabbing Dean's bag, and opening it to retrieve some weapons. However you were unsure what to take, you had only recently started hunting, and you had only been allowed to do research.

Dean stands up, taking the shotgun out of your hands. "Easy there, if it is a shifter, salt won't do you any good. But how do you know it's a shifter?" He says as he has you sit down next to him on the bed.

"She was really strong, too strong for an old lady. She was forcing him into the house, and when I looked at her through my camera, her eyes glowed."

He listens to your story, then tries to placate you. "Maybe it was something else, and your camera just caught a glare of sun. After all, the signs that brought us here didn't point to a shifter."

Annoyed that he wouldn't take you seriously, you try again. "I know what I saw, can't we just go do some surveillance?"

He kisses your forehead, before standing up. "Maybe later, right now Sam and I are going to the morgue. Stay here and man the phone, just in case we need our supervisor. " He tells you before going to the bathroom to change into his fed suit. Sam comes walking out, already dressed. "Hey Y/N, thanks for the coffee."

You ignore the both of them, frustrated that they wouldn't take you seriously.

Soon both boys were ready to leave and you tried again. "If you want, I could go down to the house, just look around. I promise I won't get too close."

Dean smiles before kissing you soundly on the lips, causing you to forget your train of thought. His lips were so plump and warm against yours, and you leaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms under his suit jacket. He releases you, leaning his head against yours. "Y/N, stay here, man the phone. We will be back soon."

They leave, and you plop down in front of Sam's laptops, researching anything about shifters. After about an hour of searching, you knew how to kill one, but not much more. Tapping your fingers on the table, you waited, impatiently, for them to get back.

Tired of waiting, you let your head drop down, boredom turning into tiredness, and your were almost asleep when the door opens.

"Hey sweetie, let's get you in bed." Dean said, picking you up gently, and placing you on the bed.

You snuggle into bed, hearing Dean say he was going to go get some food.

You wake up to someone shaking your shoulder. "Y/N, wake up. Somethings wrong. Dean hasn't returned yet."

You jolt awake, sitting up, and looking into Sam's concerned eyes. "How long has he been gone?"

Sam glanced down at his watch before answering. "Three hours. He left the Impala, and walked, and hasn't returned yet."

"Shit." You exclaim, jumping out of bed, and grabbing your coat. "It has to be the shifters!"

"Woah Y/N, calm down. We haven't seen anything about shifters." Sam explained.

"I know what I saw, and now they have Dean." You argued, but Sam still wasn't buying it.

He grabbed his coat, making sure he had his gun, and his knife. "I don't know what's got him, but let's go see what we can find."

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