To the Rescue Part 2

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In a small way you wished your brother wouldn't pick up the call, you didn't want them to find out that you had been captured, and you also didn't want them coming to try and rescue you. You knew they could handle themselves, but if they even got a cut on them because you had been careless, you would feel horrible.

The Angel put your phone on speaker, and you heard it ring once, twice, and then a deep voice answered. "Y/N? What's up? We haven't been gone that long. Just got to our hotel."

Before you could answer, a gag was pulled over your mouth, rendering you speechless.

"Y/N's a little tied up right now." Baldy told Dean.

"Who the hell is this? What have you done with Y/N?" Dean asked, going automatically into hunter mode.

"It's an acquaintance of that stupid angel friend of yours. Is he with you?"

You waited a moment, and then Castiel's voice came across the line, and you knew your brother had put the phone on speaker. "Who is this? Let Y/N go!"

"Castiel, you should know who this is. After all, you killed my partner." Baldy told him, standing closer to you, running the blade down your face, not deep enough to draw blood.

"Ezariah? You knew that was on Hannah's orders. She was a rogue angel who refused to go back to heaven."

"Well, it doesn't matter. You took something from me, I will take something from you. Say goodbye Y/N." Ezariah said, before using the blade to pull down your gag.

"Don't worry about me guys. I love you, all of you." You said, before Ezariah slashed the blade down, straight into your thigh. The pain was immense, and you couldn't hold back the moan. You could hear your brothers, and Castiel's voice through the phone, but you were too busy concentrating on the pain radiating through your body to hear what they were saying.

"I've changed my mind. Instead of killing her, I'm going to make her my personal pin cushion." Ezariah promised, before pulling the knife out of your leg.

"Y/N, hold on I'm coming!" You vaguely heard Cas yell, before Ezariah cut the call.

"I hope he does." Ezariah murmured in your ear, before tossing the phone behind him. "And let's make sure you look nice and pretty for him." With that he took the knife and cut away your top, pressing the blade against your stomach. Pressing deep he began to carve. Soon the pain and blood loss was becoming too much, you could hardly hold your head up. Ezariah noticed, and grabbing your hair, he yanked your head back, the knife pressed at your neck.

"Ezariah stop!" A familiar voice ordered, and you could see Cas standing over the body of Ezariah's two henchmen. While he had been busy with you, Cas had been able to sneak in and take care of them.

Ezariah moved behind you, the blade still against your neck. "I'm glad you made it Castiel. Now you can watch her die."

"Why her?" Cas asked, his eyes suspiciously blank as he stared at Ezariah. "She means nothing to me, I just babysit her to appease her brothers."

You choked back a sob, but neither angel noticed. You had always wondered if that had been the reason, but you had always hoped it had been because he cared for you. But now you knew the truth, and it hurt, almost worse than the cuts covering your body.

"Well if you don't care for her, then you won't mind if I do this." Ezariah said, before pushing the blade into your shoulder, the pain radiating through your entire body.

"No, I do mind." Cas said, before throwing his angel blade. You closed your eyes, hoping it wouldn't miss and hit you. You heard a sickening thud, before the grip on the blade in your shoulder lessened, and the body behind you fell to the floor.

In an instant, Cas was by your side, checking you over for injuries. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He mumbled.

"Just take me home." You whispered tiredly, ready to go home and nurse your wounds in private.

"Of course." He replied, before cutting the ropes and gathering you in his arms. It was nice, being held by the angel, but quickly his words came crashing down on you, and you stiffened, the hurt returning.

Within seconds you were now back in the bunker. "Where are my brothers?" You asked.

"They will return shortly. Our plan was for me to rescue you, then we would all meet back here." Cas replied, carrying you down to your room. Gently placing you on the bed, he stood awkwardly beside it. "I wish I could heal you, but my grace is weak, and it took all I could muster to get there, and bring you back."

"It's okay. I can sew myself up. Can you bring me the first aid kit from the bathroom?" You asked, your voice surprisingly calm.

Cas did as you asked, and once again stood there awkwardly, watching as you brought out the alcohol, needle and floss. "Cas, it's okay. You don't have to stay."

"No, I want to. It's my fault you were hurt." Cas said, gently sitting dosn at the edge of the bed, watching as you started stitching up the wound in your leg.

"It's alright Cas. They just didn't realize I didn't mean that much to you." You said, muttering the last bit under your breath. His hearing was strong though, and he heard the last part.

"Why do you say that?" He said, tilting his head in that adorable way that you love.

"Because you told him you didn't care about me. That you baby sat me because of my brothers." You replied angrily, pulling too hard on the floss, making you moan in pain.

Cas stopped you, placing his hand on yours. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. "It's alright Cas. It was just a stupid crush. Why would you like a screw up like me anyways." You said, a tear escaping.

He wiped it away. "Listen, I do care about you. I just said that, hoping he would let you go. But it didn't work, and now I realize I hurt you just as much as he did." Cas said softly, his hand still where he had wiped away the tear. "I'm knew to these feelings, but I do know that I care for you, more than I care about anyone else. Knowing he had you, seeing how hurt you were. It was horrible, and I wanted to kill him for even touching you."

Your pain forgotten, hope blooming in its place, you stared into his sapphire blue eyes. "Really Cas? You're not just saying this to make me feel better are you?"

He shook his head, a smile covering his face. "No, but is it working anyways? I've always liked you, I just wasn't sure how you felt about me, until I heard you on the phone. Was it true when you said you loved all of us?" He asked, and you could tell your awkward Angel was nervous.

"I've always loved you." You stated, before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. It was then your two brothers crashed into your room, each yelling your name.

They stopped in shock at the sight in front of them. "Dude, you couldn't even heal her before you assaulted her!" Dean yelled.

"Dean it's okay. I assaulted him." You replied, blushing.

"And I'm too worn out to heal her, it wouldn't work." Cas explained, and Sam came forward, sitting on the other side.

"Here, let me finish." He said, taking the needle from you. Cas stayed put, holding your hand in support, while Dean left to find you some whiskey to help soothe the pain. Neither of your brothers seemed surprised that you and Cas were together now, and you were relieved that everything had worked out. You just hope that next time it wouldn't take kidnapping for the words to be said.

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