Cupids Arrow

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Dean x Reader
Synopsis: Dean and the reader are put under Cupid's spell. Will they be able to fight it, and save Sam?

Stars in the sky shimmered, as the Impala you were currently riding in passed underneath them. Resting your head on your hand, you stared up at them, in a daze. This road trip was going on six hours and you were tired of listening to the boys argue, of Sam's bad gas that had you continuously rolling your window down, and of the classic rock playing non stop on the radio. Usually you loved Dean's choice in music, however you were tired of anything that had to do with the road.

"How long until we stop for the night?" You finally asked, dragging your gaze from the window to look at the men in the front seat. Dean, whom you had a crush on, was driving, while his brother Sam, your best friend, sat in the passenger side. Both insanely good looking men, women always glared daggers at you when you were with them.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's only about 15 more minutes." Dean replied, taking his eyes off the road for one minute to connect with yours in the rear view mirror. It might be night time, but the green orbs sparkled brightly as he gave you a reassuring smile.

Deciding it was the perfect time to talk about the case, you lean forward, placing your head on top of the front seat.

"So boys, any idea yet what might have killed those couples? The ghosts of Romeo and Juliet?"

Three couples have all been found dead, a murder suicide combination. It didn't seem like a case for you, until the news reported that all victims had a small heart shaped tattoo on their wrist.

Chuckling, Sam shook his head, "Come on Y/N, you know we think it's a rogue cupid."

Just then the Impala turned into another small vintage motel. Sam went to get your room, while you and Dean grabbed the bags from the trunk. Meeting Sam, you walk into a sparsely furnished motel room. A table, fridge, and two beds were all the furniture in the room, and they looked like they had seen better days.

"Guess your bunking with me," Dean smirks at you.

Throwing his bag on the bed, Sam headed for the bathroom,"Dibs on the shower."

Throwing your bags on the bed, you and Dean decide to head down to the diner you had passed earlier. Living a note for Sam, you walk the short block away.

Sliding into the booth, you look at the nostalgic items placed all around the diner. You always loved finding diners like this, you loved the looks of the 50's.

"What can I get you, pretty lady," the young waiter asked, smiling at you. He was cute, in the boy next door sort of way with his brownish blonde hair and blue eyes. You didn't even notice that you had flirted back until you looked Dean's way. His usually plump lips were tight, his hand clenching around his water glass. Unsure why he was acting that way, you stopped flirting , and ordered a Club sandwich.

"I'll have the bacon Cheeseburger. Thanks." Dean growled at the waiter, scaring him off.

"What was that Dean? You scared the poor guy off!"

Before be could reply, Sam slid in next to Dean. "I'm starving!"

Before long, your food was out, and all three of you were quiet as you ate, exhausted from the road trip. Getting the waiter's attention while Dean was in the bathroom you asked for a couple of pieces of pie to be boxed up to go. You shared Dean's love of pie.

However, Dean saw you talking to the waiter again, and grabbed your hand before you could get the pie.

"Come on Sam, let's go,"Dean said, while pretty much dragging you behind him. Once you reached the motel, Dean let go of your arm. "I'm going back out, don't wait up for me," he stated as he slammed the door behind him.

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