Memory of a Kiss

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Sam Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: During a hunt, you hit your head, and lose your memory. Sam has to help you remember who you are, and that the two of you are in love.

You slammed the trunk shut, almost catching your hand in it. "Woah, Y/N, careful!" Sam, your fiancee, yelled at you, pulling you away and checking your hand for marks.

"Yeah Y/N, what's gotten into you? You've never been this clumsy." Dean, who was Sam's older brother, and a pain in your ass, asked. What he said was true, you weren't usually this clumsy, and shutting your hand in the trunk was the last in a long line of misfortunes that had plagued you that day.

"I don't know, I can't seem to help it." You muttered, before holding up your rock salt shotgun. "But it doesn't matter. We have a ghost to salt and burn.

They nodded, and the three of you made your way into the overgrown cemetery, using flashlights to glance around, looking fora certain headstone. "Why couldn't this son of a bitch be buried at the other cemetery? Where you could see the headstones." Dean grumbled, and you had to agree with him. This cemetery hadn't been used in years, and people had seemed to have forgotten about it. Weeds grew over most headstones, with varying bushes growing beside. Trees, both living and dead filled the walkways, making it near impossible to travel through.

Pushing away weeds, you attempted to read the lettering of each headstone, your flashlight giving just enough light to read by. After about an hour, and twenty headstones later, you finally found what you were looking for. "Sam, it's over here!" You exclaimed.

He came bounding over, reading the name before straightening up, pulling you into his arms. "I love you, you know that right?" 

You brushed it away, the admission flustering you. You had been engaged for less than a month, and you were still getting used to the fact that you called Sam your own.

"Way to go Y/N. Now let's hurry up and get the hell out of here." Dean said, dropping his bag, leaving the shovel in his hand.

You were in charge of holding the flashlight for Dean, while Sam held the gun, making sure you guys weren't going to be interrupted by a certain ghost. At first it went smoothly, but when Dean struck the wooden top of the casket, you felt the temperature drop at least ten degrees. "Sam, I think we've got company." You told him, your heart beat speeding up a little bit. You hadn't gone on many hunts yet, in fact this was your first. After they had rescued you from being a Vamp's personal food supply, they had kept you with them, healing you. But what had started out as a random act of kindness turned into something more as you developed feelings for the taller Winchester. Luckily, he had felt the same, and you had stayed with them, a strong relationship blooming between the two of you. This was the first hunt, over a year later, that you had finally talked them into letting you go on, and you needed it to be successful.

"Yeah, I can feel it." He said, glancing around, but you noticed the pale figure before he did. It was a middle aged man, dressed in the garb of a 1940's business man.

"Sam, behind you!" You yelled, and he turned, firing off a shot, the spirit vanishing as the rock salt shot through him. 

You thought you were free, for at least a moment, and you smiled at Sam, only to watch as his eyes widened, before his face contorted in fear. "Y/N, watch out!" He yelled, but it was too late. You felt a freezing presence beside you, before you felt yourself go flying through the air. You could only watch, the flashlight long gone, as the ground came flying up to meet you. You tried to curl into yourself, noticing a marble headstone in your way, but it came to fast, and you heard the thickening crunch as your temple connected with the unyielding marble, and you knew no more.


"Y/N, come on. Wake up sweetheart." You heard a voice say, but you shook your head, wanting to stay in the comfort the darkness provided you.

"Dean, she moved!" The same voice yelled, causing you to wince as the loud sound vibrated in your head.

"Shh, hurts." You moaned, and he immediately lowered his voice. 

"Show me those beautiful eyes of yours." He pleaded, and you complied, staring into a pair of equally gorgeous hazel eyes, wondering who they belonged to. Having this person's face so close to you was a little nerve wracking, and you felt your body tense up, ready to fly away from this unknown threat.

"Get away from me!" You exclaimed, scooting in the bed towards the wall and away from the giant who had been leaning over you. Because as you slowly became more aware of your surroundings, you noticed how tall he was.

"Y/N, what's wrong with you?" He asked, taking a step towards you, but you flinched, trying to move away, but you were as close to the wall as you could be.

"How do you know who I am?" You asked, freaking out as another figure moved into your vision, almost as freakishly tall.

"Sam, what's going on?" The other guy questioned. Well now at least you knew one of your captors names.

"I don't know! She woke up, and now she's freaking out! She doesn't know us." The other one, Sam was his name, answered, his face full of despair, and for a moment, you felt sorry for him.

The nameless one turned to face you. "Y/N, this isn't funny. You're scaring the crap out of Sam. Now cut it out." 

"But, I don't know you. Are you going to kill me?" You whispered, scared to death.

"See Dean?" Sam said, pointing at you as if you had just proved his point. 

"Maybe she hit her head harder than we both thought. How about I try to get Cas down here." Dean told Sam, and you didn't know who Cas was, but you didn't want to have to deal with another captor.

While they were busy talking among themselves, you had inched closer to the edge of the bed, and when their eyes turned away from you, you took the opportunity, springing out of bed, and racing towards the door.

"Y/N! Wait, come back here!" Sam ordered you, but you had already wrenched the door opened, and you were sprinting down the sidewalk, trying to get as far away from those strange men as possible. You didn't notice the rocks cutting into your bare feet, or the strange looks people were giving you, as they noticed your bloody and rumpled clothing.

You didn't stop, even when your head started pounding, and your lungs were burning, you pressed on, soon losing your way in the foreign looking city, and it was then you realized how screwed you were. You didn't know who you were, or where you were, and you were now on your own.

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