Dean's Desire

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Dwan x Reader
Synopsis: Dean and the reader are a couple. At the bar one night he is hit on and turns her down. She comes back and he's suddenly interested, throwing you under the bus.

Changing into your tight black jeans and a (favorite color) tank top, you brush your hair before leaving the bathroom.

"You guys ready? I'm so ready to have a drink or two after that hunt!" You tell Sam and Dean, seeing that they already have their coats on, and Dean is playing with the Impala keys.

Dean looks you up and down, "Wow, you sure clean up good. I'm one lucky man." He kisses you, but before it could go any deeper, Sam is clearing his throat.

"Hold your horses Sam, we're coming," Dean tells Sam. You all climb into the Impala, Sam being nice and letting you sit up front.

Before you know it, the Impala has pulled into the parking lot. Pushing the door open, you glance inside. The place is packed, there isn't an empty bar stool, the pool tables are busy, and the dance floor is overflowing. Sam finds a booth, and you quickly slide into it before someone else took it.

"Wow this place is crazy busy," Dean says in your ear. The bar is almost too noisy for normal conversation.

"I will go get us drinks!" Dean yells, loud enough so Sam can hear. Watching him walk away, you enjoy the view before turning back to Sam.

"So Sam, have you found us another job yet?" You ask, but Sam's not paying attention to you. Turning to see what caught his eye, you see a girl all over Dean. She is tall, and curvy, with blonde hair, and lots of makeup on. You start to stand up, but Sam stops you.

"Wait, see what he does."

You watch. The lady is throwing everything she's got at Dean, showing more cleavage, leaning over, running her hand down his chest. However Dean grabs her hand, and says something before pointing toward you. She glares at you before stomping off, and Dean returns with your drinks.

Acting impulsively, you lean over and kiss Dean.

"What was that for?" He asks, smiling.

"Because you are awesome."

The next hour was spent guzzling down beers and yelling stories to each other. It was a great way to relax after a long, bloody hunt. Feeling the need to use the bathroom, you ask Dean to scoot out.

"Fine, I'll go get some more beers. Be careful, there's some nasty drunks here."

"I'll be fine," you argued, walking away. There was a line for the bathroom, and you were worried Dean would come look for you. Finally you were done and started making your way back.

"Hey Sam, did I really beat Dean back? This place is way too busy."

Sam didn't answer, and he had a peculiar look on his face. Following his gaze, you see Dean. He's with the same girl again, but this time he seems to be enjoying her attention. She is standing close to him, her hand on his chest. His hand is at her waist, as he leans over and whispers something in her ear, causing her to laugh. He then leans in and starts kissing her neck, and that's when you lost your cool. You march over, grabbing Dean's arm, turning him to face you.

"What the hell Dean?"

"Oh Y/N, this is Regina, and she is awesome. "

"Hi," Regina smirks at you, wrapping her arm around Dean's waist.

"Excuse me Bitch, get your hands off my boyfriend."

Dean looks at you with disgust, making you step back in shock. "What the hell are you taking about. Your not my girlfriend, your just somebody to keep me occupied. Your nothing. I'd rather be with a woman like Regina, then some tomboy who can't get the hint when she's not wanted."

Feeling tears in your eyes, you raise your hand and slap Dean. "Fine, if that's how you feel, I'll leave. Just wish you could have told me instead of doing it like this."

Rushing out, you didn't see Sam standing behind you listening to the entire thing. You run back to the motel, quickly grabbing your things and stuffing them back into your duffle bag. You quickly write a note for Sam.

I'm sorry to leave like this,
But don't try to find me.
I will miss you Sam.
Keep him safe for me.

Wiping the tears from your eyes, you leave the motel walking down the road. Not sure where you were going or what you were going to do, you just walked. You heard a car behind you, and turned, hoping it wasn't the Impala. It was a plain black car, with a young man behind the wheel.

"Are you okay Ma'am?" He asked, rolling down the window.

"I will be," you replied.

"Need a lift?"

Feeling uneasy, you start to walk again. "No thanks."

"I insist," he says, standing behind you. Before you could run, his eyes flash black and he hits you, knocking you unconscious.

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