Chapter 03 - Training 01!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



Madara continued running through the forest; he had never entered such a tense place before. Even the sunlight began to diminish as he delved deeper into the area. He saw animal life and their tracks along the way. Finally, he stopped running when he reached a lake in the middle of the area.

"I think this will be a good place to start training..." he murmured.

Madara thought that staying in Cintra was not a good idea at the moment. He wanted to become stronger, and Madara was aware of the war that would envelop this kingdom in the future.

Maybe he only had about 6 years for this? He would have to get strong if he wanted to survive. Madara breathed in the fresh air at the lake before starting his training.

"I feel my chakra, but I clearly don't have control over it, except to be faster than a normal person would be. Let's see how I can control this energy in other ways..." He murmured and looked at the lake, which reflected the clouds of Cintra in the water.

"Now, let's see if I can do this," Madara said, focusing. He knew that chakra control was essential for executing jutsus. Closing his eyes, he tried to feel the flow of chakra in his body, attempting to direct it as he had learned.

Opening his eyes, Madara began to make the hand seals for the only jutsu he had, Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu, a basic fire technique. He remembered the sequence of seals, moving his hands with difficulty since he had never done this before, having it only in his mind without muscle memory. He completed the sequence after a few seconds, but when he tried to release the chakra and perform the jutsu, the result was mediocre. A small flame came out of his mouth, much less impressive than he expected.

"Clearly, this is going to require practice," Madara said, a bit frustrated but not discouraged. He knew that mastering jutsus would not come easily, especially for someone like him. "I feel my chakra, but I clearly don't have control over it..."

"Maybe I should do some exercise that I remember from the original work? I doubt I can walk on trees now, but I can do this..." Madara went under a tree and picked up a fallen leaf, sitting in the shade and placing the leaf on his forehead, as he remembered, focusing on that point, trying to stick the leaf to his skin through the chakra.

He concentrated, but the leaf lasted no more than 5 seconds. "Well... let's not give up." Madara continued this training for the next few hours.

He reached the point where he could stick the leaf for 20 seconds, but it still wasn't enough for him. However, the sun started to rise at that moment, so he had to find a place to spend the night and hunt an animal.

"I should have brought at least a knife with me..." He complained, realizing he had nothing with him since he had left Cintra in a hurry. He chose a pointed branch and went into the forest. Not only could he run fast, but he could also jump meters off the ground, something even wizards couldn't do. He caught a rabbit by surprising it from above.

After catching it, he cast his jutsu to at least make a fire and eat the rabbit after some difficulty in preparing it with a knife.

"Tomorrow I'll go after a tool, even if I have to steal a sword from a soldier!" He complained and continued eating the rabbit. Night came, and he ended up sleeping on top of a tree. He heard many strange sounds, both from animals and monsters that night, but nothing bothered him, other than the discomfort of sleeping on a hard surface, but the bed in the orphanage wasn't much different from what he was experiencing.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum