Chapter 04 - Training 02!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



On a fresh spring morning, a group of farmers was preparing for a trip to the city of Cintra. They had organized a small convoy of six wagons, each loaded to the brim with fresh vegetables, juicy fruits, and a variety of agricultural products, all harvested from their fertile lands in the more rural areas of the kingdom. They hoped for good business in the capital's market, known for attracting buyers from all parts of the kingdom.

The convoy was led by a veteran farmer named Egon, known for his wisdom and experience. He drove the first wagon, guiding the group along the winding road that cut through the green hills toward the city. Beside him, his eldest son, Bram, watched attentively, learning the ways of trade and travel.

In the other wagons, whole families joined the journey, with children playing among the piles of vegetables and women sharing recipes and stories with each other. There was an air of optimism and camaraderie among them, despite the dangers that such a journey could present.

As the sun rose in the sky, illuminating the golden fields around, the convoy moved slowly, with the horses pulling the full wagons with steady effort. They exchanged songs and laughter, creating a cheerful atmosphere despite the long journey ahead.

However, as they approached a more densely wooded area, Egon began to feel a certain apprehension. He knew that roads like these could be dangerous, harboring bandits targeting unsuspecting travelers.

"Everyone alert now," Egon called back, his serious voice cutting through the relaxed air. "We are entering uncertain territory. Keep your eyes open."

Bram, noticing the change in his father's tone, fixed his gaze on the road ahead. The women stopped their conversations, and even the children seemed to sense the change in atmosphere, silencing their games.

As the convoy of farmers made their way towards Cintra, a silent tension settled among them. Egon, the veteran farmer, felt a growing foreboding, his eyes constantly scanning the edges of the forest beside the road.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the whizzing of arrows cutting through the air. Before anyone could react, the arrows struck several farmers, causing immediate chaos. Egon and even his son were caught in this attack. Cries of pain and surprise echoed through the convoy as families ducked, seeking shelter in the wagons.

From the midst of the forest, a group of eight brutal bandits emerged, armed with axes, swords, and clubs. Beyond them, archers hidden among the trees continued to fire arrows, increasing the terror and confusion among the farmers.

"They ambushed us!" Bram shouted in pain from an arrow lodged in his foot, trying to protect himself behind the wagon while helping his father with another arrow in his chest.

Egon, firmly holding his son's clothes while screaming and trying to ignore the pain he was feeling, said desperately, "Protect yourselves! Don't let them get near the children!"

The bandits advanced with savage violence, their eyes gleaming with the anticipation of loot. They began to attack the farmers, who, though not warriors, desperately tried to defend themselves and protect their families.

Some farmers, armed only with field tools, faced the bandits with courage, despite the evident fear. The women tried to keep the children hidden under tarps and among the goods, while the men fought to repel the attackers.

The conflict was unequal and brutal. The bandits, accustomed to violence and better armed, had the advantage over the farmers. It didn't take long for the place to fill with bodies of victims, painting the ground red, while women cried and clung to their children.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن