Chapter 27 - Cintra 20!

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



Cirilla continued her way with her chin held high, heading towards Mousesack's laboratory. He was reading calmly at the moment, when he heard the door open and the princess, with her impatient manner, didn't even wait for him to enter the place.

"Princess Cirilla, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit at this time? Have you finally set your mind on studies?" He asked with an amused smile, putting down the book with curiosity, since Cirilla never sought him out for academic matters, only asking about quite peculiar things.

"Can you wait outside...?" Cirilla turned back to her royal guard, who nodded and closed the door while Cirilla turned again to the druid and smiled in a mischievous manner.

"What is it...?" Mousesack had to squint at the girl.

"I have a guest in my room..." She began.

Meanwhile, Madara stayed in the room waiting for Cirilla. He couldn't help but notice the environment was better than the last time he was here, curious about how a medieval princess lived.

To start, the room was quite large, with medieval furniture that, however, seemed to have a varnish finish. The place was much larger than that of the noble from whom he had stolen some clothes, and there was a spot just for a series of dresses, making Madara amused thinking about how that child fit in there, after all, those dresses would puff up anyone who wore them. At the end, there was a large bed in the corner with various fabrics making it quite colorful.

'Why am I surprised, I've heard that medieval nobles equated colors with beauty and status, though I always prefer something more discreet like black or at most a gray...' He thought, looking at the color show on the princess's bed. 'But surely she's much better off than I am, where my company are rats and spider webs...' He thought with some amusement about the place where he lived.

Another thing that interested him in the place was a piece of furniture with a small amount of books, seeming like the books the princess read and spent her time with. However, it didn't seem like something a noble little girl would read, something about knights and charming princes, there were books with monster faces and some words he recognized, like types of weapons. Showing that the princess was fascinated by this kind of subject, something that didn't surprise him.

It didn't take long for the door to begin opening again, Madara, this time, didn't hide, while remaining in the place with some books he had taken from that moment, after all, his presence was no longer a secret as soon as the druid would find out. Mousesack entered the room calmly with Cirilla while the guard stood at the door not knowing what the druid was doing there, and he looked at the boy standing there with interest next to the princess.

After he closed the door, he kept his gaze on Madara, "You know, I could imagine a lot of things when the princess came to talk to me, but I was quite surprised when she told me she had a certain guest in her quarters. I could never have imagined that Madara was in the castle looking for me," said the Druid. He noticed that Madara and Cirilla were not strangers, which made him question what was happening here. "May I know how you and our princess came to know each other...? That is a puzzle to this old man," he spoke.

"We met a few days ago," admitted Madara calmly.

Mousesack had to raise an eyebrow hearing this. "Could I know how you met? After all, I don't think you would meet just anywhere. The princess has been in the castle for the last few days as far as I know."

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