Chapter 22 - Cintra 15!

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[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



Madara had leapt from Cirilla's room and quickly touched the walls with his feet as he descended, running backwards towards the back of the castle at high speed.

After getting closer to the buildings, he jumped onto the roofs of the castle's smaller structures, jumping again to the next roofs and entering another castle garden while passing by guards and going through the blind spot between patrols, he returned to the city after going around and entering through one of the gates.

He had headed towards his current dwelling with the intention of resting a bit after fighting the bandits and dealing with the princess of this realm.

As soon as he stepped into his room again, he sighed. "So much happening in just one day..." He murmured, looking at the trap Cirilla had disarmed.

"I still don't understand how she found this place and got here... Anyway... these books, not knowing the language of the north is a curse..." Madara thought to himself before setting those books on fire and lying down on the cover to sleep.

Before dawn the next day, Madara woke up and made a meal with his supplies, he would have to return to his missions and his goal at that moment was to hunt the ghoul on the south proton side.

He prepared and went in that direction with his chakra fully recovered, he quickly was outside of Cintra and ran for half a day until he arrived at the location specified by the druid.

"So these mountains are the ones the map indicates." Madara thought, looking at the landscape, putting away the map he entered a forest below the mountain.

He continued jumping through the forest until he found a road in the middle of the forest, what surprised him was not the road, there were many trails that people used to cut shortcuts, but the horse footprints stamped from the earth.

"These marks... they are made recently..." Marada analyzed. It seems he was not the only one in the middle of that forest, the question was who would be here.

Setting that aside, he then decided to continue on the path, even following that road.

Elsewhere, there was a group of horses going through the forest, "Father, are you sure we should be here, we are dealing with a monster...?" A boy in his 15 years spoke on a horse while holding a crossbow and attentive to any movement in the forest.

"Do not fear it, my son, we will kill this beast once and for all, it's been ravaging our cattle, now we will kill it. At your age my father also took me to kill some drowners." A middle-aged man spoke, sporting his large curved mustache.

"But everyone says that a ghoul is the worst of monsters." The boy insisted.

"Relax, Victor. We can handle this." One of the other men on his horse spoke confidently. "We are with 20 soldiers and 3 knights, do you think we cannot fight a monster?" The knight spoke confidently.

This group was a local noble with a large farm in this region, however, he has been a week with a beast terrorizing his farms and has already killed 3 of his servants and destroyed a part of the plantation at the forest's edge, now he formed a group to deal with this creature once and for all.

His name was Meril Hugkil, his son and firstborn here was Victor Hugkil, being Hugkil an old and noble family of Cintra.

"You heard our knight, we will deal with this creature!" Meril spoke humorously, after all, he was a well-humored noble.

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