Chapter 16 - Cintra 09!

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



"I need to find a place to rest..." Madara murmured as he limped through the city's sewers. He had fractured several ribs, as seen through his sharingan, and had dislocated a wrist and his shoulder needed repair.

He followed the path until he found an exit through a manhole, climbing up with caution and effort after sustaining so many injuries against that wizard. He lifted the cover and noticed movement above him of people running at that moment; it seemed that a fire had started to affect this side of the city. He waited until a group of soldiers passed by the street he was on and opened the cover, quickly exiting, then after closing it and seeing more people running in that direction, he hid in an alley.

Waiting for more soldiers and inhabitants to pass, he continued his way to get out of that place, entering through the city's alleys, passing by beggars who wondered what was happening, until at a certain moment, he came face to face with a group of soldiers.

"You! Stop, child!" The soldier immediately shouted as soon as he saw Madara walking in his state.

Madara slowly positioned himself in a fighting stance.

"Captain, he's just an injured street kid..." Said a soldier next to him.

"You know our orders are to report any dark-haired child we see, let's take this child with us!" said the man and turned to his men. "Grab him." His men started moving towards Madara, while he quickly prepared to surprise the soldiers. He might have been almost out of chakra or without a sword, but he could certainly escape from a group of soldiers after killing a few.

"This is an exaggeration." A new voice emerged behind the soldiers, and a middle-aged man with a staff appeared, walking towards the soldiers who immediately stopped.

"Lord Mousesack!" The captain of the squadron quickly greeted the royal druid.

"Hello, captain, don't hassle just a child, let him go." Mousesack spoke calmly to the man.

"Yes, sir! You heard him, clear the way and let the boy pass." The soldier gave the order to his squadron, and Madara hesitated a bit before continuing.

His wary gaze was on the man who was said to be the druid, while the same studied the boy with a small smile, and Madara saw him even wink at him.

After Madara passed the soldiers and there was no incident, he continued his way to the part of the city where he made his base.

He had no more trouble getting there and ended up jumping into the abandoned building, making bandages with what he could among his items, and bandaged himself as he had knowledge from his past life, but still feeling a lot of pain.

After sleeping, Madara woke up alert, but without moving with someone in that room at that moment, he was a bit frustrated that he was followed, he was sure that he had covered his tracks.

"I must admit, this place is full of traps..." The person spoke, and Madara recognized the voice from the previous night because it was that druid.

Mousesack looked admiringly at the lines the boy had placed in the room, nearly invisible. "I know you're awake, and I know you must be frustrated, wondering how I found you. Well, you may fool all the soldiers in this city, but a mage or a wizard knows very well how to deal with this when we use our abilities." He commented, and Madara jumped up, placing his feet on the ceiling, hanging upside down while activating his sharingan.

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