Chapter 05 - Training 03!

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



Madara silently followed the bandits, concealed by the shadows of the forest. Ensuring his presence remained unnoticed, he entered the forest. Every so often, they looked back, searching for the monster child, but they couldn't see him.

"Did we lose him?!" one bandit exclaimed.

"I think so, but let's just head to the camp. That monster wouldn't attack our whole group," another replied.

"But you saw, that wasn't a child, his eyes were as red as blood, and he killed like a beast," said a third.

"Shut up, just follow the path!" another snapped.

As they made their way deeper into the forest, Madara silently leaped from branch to branch. He moved with the agility and grace of a predator, his red Sharingan eyes keenly observing every move of the bandits below.

The bandits, clearly disoriented and still in a state of panic, didn't realize they were being followed from above. They continued running through the forest, looking back more frequently but failing to notice Madara's presence.

Meanwhile, high in the trees, Madara deactivated his Sharingan to conserve chakra and continued leaping. His two months of training in the forest had taught him to move undetected, blending into the natural surroundings, so panicked bandits wouldn't easily find him.

Eventually, two hours later, the bandits arrived at a location that seemed to be a meeting point or camp. It was a clearing in the forest, with several makeshift tents and a central fire pit that had not yet been lit. There were signs that more than four dozen people used this space — footprints, food scraps, and weapons scattered on the ground.

When the fleeing bandits finally reached the camp, they were visibly shaken, their expressions pale and eyes wide with fear. As they entered the clearing, they began anxiously reporting to the other band members about the "monster" - a child with red eyes who had decimated their companions and fought faster than any human, not even three adults could stand against him.

The people in the camp looked at the newcomers with a mix of surprise and disbelief. "Where are the others?" asked an older man, clearly the leader. "And the carts you were supposed to bring?"

The bandits stuttered confused responses, still shaken. "They're... they're dead," one said, trembling. "We couldn't get the carts," another said, out of breath. "That boy... he attacked us. I've never seen anything like it. He was like a demon!"

The camp was abuzz with murmurs. The bandits exchanged looks, trying to comprehend what had happened. The group leader frowned, clearly displeased with the news.

"A child did this to you?" he asked, his voice laden with scorn and doubt. "How could a boy kill so many men?"

One was trying to explain, but his words sounded incoherent and unbelievable. "His eyes... they were red. He moved like a ghost, faster than an animal. Three adults tried to kill him, but the boy killed them all," he said, looking back as if he expected Madara to emerge from the shadows at any moment.

"I saw him dodge an arrow!" another spoke up, somewhat alarmed.

"Okay, okay. You've encountered a monster and you think it's a child, now go inside and rest, you need it. We mourn the others, but there's nothing to be done. Tomorrow we'll hunt this monster," the leader said, clearly not believing what he heard.

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