Chapter 27

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October 14th, 2023

"'Cause I,
I can be everything you need,
If you're the one for me,
Like gravity,
I'll be unstoppable..."


"It was good seeing you boys, I look forward to your signing at the end of the month," Coach Rivers said, walking us to his office door.

"Looking forward to it, sir," I said, shaking his hand. Caleb gave his thanks before following me outside.

"I still can't believe this, Beckett," he said, shaking his head in bewilderment as he held up one of the sweatshirts we'd just received. Holding up one of my own, I laughed with him.

"Believe it, man. We did it."

"Hell yeah we did," he laughed, unlocking his truck. "I'm starved. You think they'll want to eat breakfast before we hit campus?"

"Maybe, let me ask Bailey."


God, just thinking about how perfect she was last night lit my body on fire. My headache was gone this morning, but my jaw was still beyond sore.

But last night, my head was floating on pain, but when Bailey ran her hands over my scalp, I felt grounded. The throbbing had subsided, and her scent was calming alone. And her hand over my heart had me terrified, worried she would be able to feel how fast it was beating. I waited for her to pull away, and when she hadn't I covered her hand with mine. I'd never felt so soothed before, and I wanted it again.

I just wanted Bailey in general.

"Y'all seemed pretty cozy back there last night," Caleb stated, smiling cheekily.

You have no idea.

"Yeah," I mumbled, pulling my phone out to text the girl occupying my thoughts. Her response was immediate, bringing a smile to my face.

Me: On our way back for y'all. Hungry?

Bailey: We're ready, so we can meet y'all outside when y'all pull up. Breakfast sounds good.

I liked her message before putting my phone in my pocket. When I heard Caleb scoff, I raised my brow at him in question.

"I'm happy for you, Beckett. I really am," he said, tone uneasy at the end. Now, I was on edge.

"What is it, Caleb?" I asked.

"I just," he paused, taking a breath. "Is the timing of this weird? Doesn't something seem off?"

No, things seem like everything I've ever wanted is falling into place.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get mad, I'm not trying to start anything. You know that," he said, sternly. He's right. I released a breath and nodded for him to continue. "It was only a matter of time till you and Bailey gave each other the attention y'all have wanted to for years. But our parents pushing these dinners? This trip? I know it's our senior year, so maybe I am overthinking it and they just want us all together before we leave next fall. But I don't know, Beckett. Something doesn't seem right."

I sat there for a moment, thinking about what he said.

Why had we started going out more together, aside from our monthly dinners?

Why does it seem like so much has happened, in a matter of only two months?

I wasn't sure. Caleb must have misunderstood my silence, because he spoke again.

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