Chapter 70

44 1 0

June 18th, 2024

"So, before you go,
Was there something I could have said to make your
heart beat better?"


I think a part of me knew that when I woke up this morning, today would be the day I said goodbye to the only home I've ever known.

My thoughts were confirmed when Sarah looked at me with tear stained cheeks from where she stood next to my grandfather's bed.

I didn't cry when she looked at me like that, even though my heart was breaking as I looked at the man barely breathing before me. Instead, I almost got a wave of relief knowing he'd finally be able to rest.

The days after graduation were the hardest, it felt like he was torturing himself to say everything he wanted to before the time came for him to leave. I listened to it all, but it was hard to see past how much pain he was in. He put up a brave front, for longer than he should have.

At this point, it was selfish of me to want to keep him here when he was hurting as bad as he was.

So when Sarah confirmed what I feared most, I didn't cry. Because I would be a wreck, but I would keep breathing.

I made a promise, and I would keep living for him. I wanted him to rest, I didn't want him to be in pain anymore.

"Bailey," Wren starts, answering my phone call on the first ring. "Everything okay? I was just running a few errands before I came ov-"

"Wren," I say softly, and I hear her breathing stutter. "You should head over now, it's time."

"I'm on my way," she rushed out, and I hung up before calling Anna next.

"Bailey, what is it dear?" She asked frantically, and I wondered if everyone woke up with a similar feeling this morning that today was the day.

"We have to say goodbye, Anna," I tell her, and her gasp pushes the dagger further into my heart. "He would want everyone here, his family. Do you think you could call the others?"

"We're on our way, Bailey," she croaked out, and I could hear her moving around on the other line. "I'll call Jenna now and get them over."

"Thank you, Anna."

I hung up after that and moved to sit on my grandfather's bedside. His labored breathing and barely rising chest were the only indications that he was alive. Wrapping one of my hands around his cold one, I used the other to brush his hair from his forehead.

"Everyone's coming, Grandpa Matt," I told him, swallowing the lump in my throat as tears gathered in my eyes. "We're all gonna be here. It's okay. I'll be okay."

I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or myself, but I kept repeating the words aloud. I wanted him to know I was gonna be okay, I'd force myself to be. He could stop holding on, he could let go, and I would be okay.

"Thank you for giving me a home Grandpa Matt," I cried softly, squeezing his hand. "For showing me what it's like to be loved. You stepped in to raise me, and I will never be able to repay you for that. But you don't have to do it anymore, you can be free. I don't want you to hurt anymore."

His hand twitched in my own, and I cracked a smile knowing that he could hear me. I heard the front door open, and then watched as each member of the Davis family walked in slowly, with Wren in front. They all approached the bed, and I gave Delilah a soft smile and a nod of approval to climb on the other side of his bed.

"I'll miss you, Papaw," she said gently, not bothering to wipe her tears. "And your bad jokes. I'll really miss those. But I promise to keep telling them all for you."

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