Chapter 74

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June 23th, 2024

"But Heaven's not too far away,
I know someday you'll visit,
And I didn't think it'd go this way,
Can I please have one more minute?"


Dear Bailey Lakyn,

I sit here, hands trembling, trying to conjure up a letter good enough to leave you with when the day I am laid to rest finally comes. It won't be perfect, but bear with your old man, okay?

I think back on these last five years with you, and my heart swells with love and gratitude for the privilege of being your grandfather, Bailey. From the moment you were born, you have brought immeasurable joy and light into my life. Every dance we've shared, every car ride to town, every quiet night in front of the television, every meal we've cooked together, every note played on the piano together, and every milestone we have celebrated together plays through my mind on a loop as I write this.

You have made my life worth living, Bailey Conners.

Watching you grow into the remarkable young woman you are today has been the greatest joy of my life. You captured my heart with your infectious laughter, your insatiable curiosity, and your boundless spirit. I am so proud of who you have become, so full of life and love. You took a bad hand of cards, and embraced them with such grace and courage. I have no doubt that wherever you end up, you will shine bright in every way.

Work hard in college, get that degree, and open that bookstore you have always dreamed about. And when you feel like you want more, write that book, Bailey. I believe in you, my sweet girl. More than anything else in this world, I believe in you.

I want you to live for the hope of it all.

Cherish your relationships, find music that portrays every emotion and moment, let it guide you through joy and sorrow. Hold onto the memories we've made, because I know I will. My love for you holds no bounds, and I will be watching over you with pride and love from above.

Continue to love those around you as strongly as you do, because I promise they will do it for you. You can rely on these people, Bailey.

As for that boyfriend of yours, he's a good man. I love him, and I adore the way he treats you. You're young and in love, that won't go away. And when the day comes that you two get married, because it will, I wish I could be there for it. Think of me on that day, Bailey. Because he's got my stamp of approval times a million.

And for my sake, Bailey Lakyn, never stop playing the piano. I beg of you not to give that talent up when I am gone, because I promise to come running to the sound of you playing. Somewhere, someway, somehow, I'll always be there to hear you.

Take care of yourself, and those around you. The best is yet to come, Bailey.

I love you beyond words, and you've made being your grandfather the best thing to ever happen to me.

See you when you get here,
Grandpa Matt


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