Chapter 51

42 1 1

February 10th, 2024

"In this moment now, capture it, remember it,
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this..."


"Beckett!" Bailey yelled. "You can't pay for everything. I wanted to be the one celebrating you today."

Those words again: I want.

"Alright, alright," I laugh, but my heart is warming thinking about how far we've come. "You can buy popcorn and drinks then, okay?"

"Thank you," she sighs, wrapping her arm around mine as we wait in the concession line.

Lunch had been perfect. We were able to catch each other up on the last month, and Bailey smiled the entire time she talked and ate. She kept talking about how excited she was for me to watch this movie, and I must admit I was pretty excited.

"Beckett! Hey!"

Turning around, I was met with Tyler Caraway, one of my friends from summer league. One of my good friends, actually.

He went to school in the neighboring town, and he'd texted me yesterday to congratulate me on winning. He was a cool guy, and last summer was our last time playing together. Tyler was going to a community college nearby, so I liked knowing whenever I was in town we could catch up.

"Tyler, hey man," I laughed, shaking his hand in greeting. "You're in town?"

"Yeah," he paused, eyeing Bailey at my side. "My cousins wanted to come watch Madame Web, so I tagged along."

"Ah," I sigh, squeezing Bailey's hand. "This is my girlfriend, Bailey."

Bailey's smile drops, and her cheeks flush that dark crimson color as her gaze burns a hole in my cheek. At first I'm confused by her reaction, and then my words process.


You just called her your girlfriend.

"Bailey?" Tyler scoffs, his smile widening as his eyes go back and forth between me and Bailey. "Like, the Bailey?"

Now my cheeks are the ones that darkened, because for some reason, when I first met Tyler I thought it would be a good idea to unload my years of fascination with the girl next door. He goes to a different school, we never went to each other's houses, it was only soccer, what's the worst that could happen?


This is the worst that could happen.

"Uh, yeah," I mumble.

"Wow," he smirks, holding his hand out to Bailey. She smiles softly before taking his hand and shaking it. "An honor and a privilege to finally meet you."


I turn around to see the concession lady waving us over. We're next in line, and I'm desperate to get out of this situation.

Thank Christ.

"It was good seeing you, Tyler. I'll catch you later," I tell him, and he waves back at us before heading back in the direction he came.

I clear my throat before turning around and pulling Bailey with me to the concession stand. Bailey is quick to order for us when we get there, and even quicker to give the worker her card. I laugh at how not slick she is, and she smiles back at me.

Grabbing our popcorn and drinks, we head into the theater. We got here early, so we grabbed the empty seats at the top before settling in.

"So," Bailey coughs, and the blush is back on her cheeks as she meets my eyes. "Girlfriend?"

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