Chapter 28

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October 14th, 2023

"There it is again,
That funny feeling,
That funny feeling..."


Don't be rude, Bailey. Don't be rude.

Sighing, I picked up the piece of paper our waiter left from the table before heading in the direction of the door. Stepping outside, I opened it up.

If the guy across from you that spent the entire meal glaring at me doesn't make a move, call me 123-456-7890 ;)

Well, not quite what I was expecting.

So Beckett WAS glaring at him?

And then I blushed, because I wanted Beckett to make a move. I wanted him to make a move years ago, and I still do now.

I felt eyes burning into the side of my head, and I felt the shriver run through my body. Beckett was watching me.

I scoffed at the paper before crumbling it and tossing it in the trash can nearby. Feeling much better, I turned to find the gray eyes I felt earlier. He stared at me as I walked towards him, and I felt my lips tilt in a smirk as I passed him. I heard him chuckle before I heard his footsteps behind me. Beckett opened the door for me, and I got in, meeting Wren who was already waiting.

"You should have seen his face when you took the note from the table, he was struck," she smirked, and my smile fell.

I hadn't planned to actually keep it.

The waiter hadn't been subtle, but I didn't want to be rude. I already knew I was going to take the note to save face, and then throw it out. But I'm glad I read it, and that Beckett's glaring wasn't in my head.

"Relax, he saw you toss it," she comforted, buckling in as the boys got in the truck.

Campus wasn't far from the diner, and I noticed it was probably even walking distance. Meaning the bookshop Beckett was talking about would be too. Leaning over, I whispered that information to Wren, who smiled back just as wide.

This was already looking so good.

Parking the truck, we all got out and I took a moment to look around. We were parked on the end of a building, and behind it were several more. They were small, almost homelike, with A-frame roofs, spread out, but also close together. In front of us, a large walkway pathed out by cherry blossom trees that swayed from the wind. I shivered, both from the cold and the sight.

It was beautiful.

"Amazing, right?" Beckett asked, coming to stand next to me with his hand outstretched to me. In it, one of the new sweatshirts he'd just gotten from Coach Rivers.

I looked up at him, jaw slacked. Pushing my hair behind my ears from where it blew out, I shook my head. I hadn't even given the other one back yet, it's folded on my dresser at home.

I hadn't wanted to give it back.

"Bailey, take it."

"This is one of your new ones," I argued.

"It's fine," he said, offering it out to me again. Sighing, I reached out and grabbed it before pulling it over my head. Like the last one, it was huge. But unlike the last one, it didn't smell like Beckett.

That's disappointing.

"Perfect," he whispered. My head shot up to him, and his cheeks turned pink as he rubbed at his neck nervously, ducking his head.

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