Chapter 68

39 1 0

May 24th, 2024

"Someday soon your whole life's gonna change,
You'll miss the magic of these good old days..."


I'm graduating today.

Grandpa Matt's here, and he's gonna be in that crowd.

He made it.

"Bailey," Sarah gasps as I come downstairs. "You look amazing."

"Thank you Sarah," I flush, looking around for my grandfather only to come up empty. "Did you and Anna already load him up?"

"We did, I just came in to grab a couple more things and then we're headed to the stadium. Beckett is waiting outside for you."

"Okay, text me when y'all get seated, please."

"I will," she smiles.

Taking a deep breath, I check myself over one more time in the hallway mirror before grabbing my cap and gown on a nearby hanger in the hall and heading outside to the van. I grin when I already see my boyfriend talking to my grandfather in the passenger seat, making my way towards them.

He's wearing the light gray slacks he wore for homecoming, the ones that do wonders for his legs, and a white button down dress shirt. His hair is combed over, and when he hears me coming behind him he spins. Beckett's face lights up with a soft smile that quickly drops as he takes in my appearance before swallowing.

I hadn't wanted to spend any of my free time shopping for a dress, but Wren had brought me one earlier this week. It was white, and the back was open under a bow that tied at my shoulders, it ended just above my knees.

I liked it, I felt good wearing it, and I was really liking how Beckett was looking at me at that moment. I could feel his gaze as it traced over me.

He's blushing.

"Bailey," he says softly, his eyes sparkling as he meets my nervous ones. We've been dating for almost four months, but I have a feeling the butterflies in my stomach will never go away where Beckett is involved. "You're stunning."

"You look handsome," I smiled, stepping forward to smooth his combed over hair. Nothing was wrong with it, I just needed to occupy myself before I did something silly. Like kissing him in front of my grandfather.

Dropping my hand, I looked past him and into the window where my Grandpa Matt's tired frame leaned against his seat, his whole body sagging. His eyes were brighter today, still droopy, but I could see them shining as he smiled as strongly as he could.

"Bailey Lakyn," he said, his voice cracking as I leaned through the window to grab his hand from his lap. "My best girl, I am so proud of you."

"I love you," I say softly, squeezing his hand and willing the tears not to fall from my eyes. I feel a warm hand take my free one, and I know Beckett is trying to tell me he's here for me today. My grandfather lets out a weak attempt at a laugh, and I worry this is all too much for him. He should be inside, in his bed. But another part of me, the selfish part of me is happy he wants to be there so bad. Because I want him there. More than anyone, I want him there. "I have to go, I want to talk to Wren before she gives her speech. But I love you so much, Grandpa Matt. Thank you for coming."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Bay," he smiles. "Tell Harlow she's gonna be okay, and let her know I love her too. But not if she screws up this speech."

I laugh at his response before pressing a kiss to his cheek and pulling Beckett with me towards his truck. Like clockwork, Beckett opens my door before I climb in, and I hold the back of my dress to make sure I don't accidentally flash him.

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