Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The exiting day!

Harry's POV:

We decided to have a small funeral for our fallen friends (and family) last week. Through our pain, we managed to find a nice quiet place for Fred, Tonks and Remus.

A few weeks have passed now and things are slowly getting better. Very slowly though. George still locks himself up in his room and only comes out for dinner.

"Mmm, that smells delicious Mom," Ron says, licking his lips at the sight of the big pile of chicken legs (Chickron).

Hermione gives him a playful slap on his arm whilst laughing.


"George, could you pass me the chicken?" Ron mumbles, still with his mouth full chicken, after we've all sat down and started the meal.

"Ron! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Mrs Weasley scolds, looking a bit angry.

Luckily no one talks about what happened earlier. I'm also starting to feel much better probably because Mrs Weasley's cooking is doing me well. It's silent, if you don't count everyone chomping on their food, for a while until someone knocks on the door. Mrs Weasley stands up to open the door but I offer to open the door as I'm closer to the door and she's already done a lot.

"Andromeda!" I exclaim when I see the familiar lady in front of me. "Can I help you with something?"

"Well, yes actually, I'm sorry to bother you now. I would like to talk to you in private if that is possible," she says, looking a little sad.

"Well, umm, we are having dinner now but we can talk afterwards. Come in," I reply, welcoming her inside.

When we finally finish dinner, Mrs Weasley lets Andromeda and me use the living room and shoos everyone out. With a few silence charms she leaves the two of us alone in the living room.

"Harry, I am sorry to bother you about this but I am getting quite old. At the moment Teddy is at my house but Remus and Tonks actually left Teddy in your care. I know it might be hard for you too but Teddy looks so much like my Nymphadora when she was little that it makes it harder to show him love after they passed away so quickly," Andromeda tells me, her eyes filling with tears, to which I turn speechless.

"But, how come they never told me?" I ask curiously.

"They didn't have time before they... you know... died," Andromeda stutters.

"Can we ask Mrs Weasley to join the conversation?" I ask, not exactly knowing what to do with this problem.

"Of course, I understand that it may be hard for you as it came quite unexpectedly," Andromeda replies with a tired smile.

I go and find Mrs Weasley. When I find her, we have a long conversation which causes the rest to get very nosy.

"So, Harry, do you agree to take Teddy into your care for a while?" Andromeda asks to end the conversation.

"Well, Mrs Weasley, would you like to help me care for Teddy because I don't think I am able to care for a baby." I ask her nervously.

"Of course Harry, but I do think you can care for a baby." Mrs Weasley tells me.

"Thank you for listening and coming to a decision together. I will bring Teddy next week. I will bring all his stuff so you won't have to buy a new bed and those kind of things." Andromeda thanks us both and then leaves as she left Teddy with her neighbours.

Mrs Weasley and I walk with Andromeda to the door and close the door behind her after she leaves.

"What the bloody hell was that all about!" Ron exclaims when we enter the kitchen.

"RONALD" Hermione cries, looking horrified.

"It was about Teddy, I tell you tomorrow. I'm really tired so I'm going to bed," I say, feeling really tired.

Ginny and I climb the stairs, holding hands, leaving a very surprised Ron behind them.

When we're finally ready, Ginny and I have quite a long talk about things like Teddy and Ron and Hermione and even about my birthday. I tell Ginny that I don't want to celebrate his birthday. She seems to ignore me so we talk about other things.

After finally having spoken about the things that are on our minds right now, Ginny gives me a quick kiss and then we both fall asleep.

~ The next morning ~

"Morning Harry," Ginny whispers in my ear.

"What?" I reply, still half asleep.

"Food! Everyone is already up except for Ron. It's quarter past eleven!" Ginny exclaims, now pushing me of the bed.

"Okay okay, coming," I say, lying on the floor.

Ginny leaves the room but I don't hear her go downstairs so I think she's staying upstairs to make sure I don't fall asleep again. To her surprise, I walked out of the room, ten seconds after she left. She surprises me with a hug though and together we walk downstairs.

"Harry dear, did you sleep well?" Mrs Weasley asks, giving me a hug.

"Well, yes thank you," I tell her, hugging her back.

"I'm really excited for next week," Ginny tells me.

"What is happening next week?" Ron asks, walking in to the kitchen still looking very sleepy.

"Teddy is coming!" Ginny exclaims, looking really excited.

"Did I hear someone say Teddy?" Hermione asks curiously, entering the kitchen.

"Yes!" Ginny says, being very energetic, giving her friend a hug.

After breakfast for Ron and for me, I decide to ask Ginny to go to Diagon Alley with me for a few things for Teddy. She agrees immediately and goes upstairs to get ready.


"Harry, I do want to buy something special for Teddy to make him feel at home." Ginny tells me when we're walking through Diagon Alley.

I agree and tell her that we would go to a toy shop, near Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (which hasn't been open for a while).

We go to Gringotts first. Ginny looks a bit ashamed because the last time she went to her vault, there was hardly any money in there. When we arrive at her vault, Ginny looks really surprised at the amount of money. She looks at me for an explanation.

"Well, when we defeated Voldemort, the Ministry awarded Ron, Hermione and me with money but I didn't want the money. I decided to give some to your parents because they looked after me for a very long time and some to you because Ron and Hermione already got some." I explain, looking at my feet.

I had expected Ginny to be really angry but she surprises me by giving me a big hug and a kiss on my cheek.

After hours of shopping we both return to the Burrow with bags full of toys, food for dinner and loads of other stuff. Mrs Weasley greets us with a big hug and helps us carry all the stuff.

~ A week later ~

"HARRY WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!" Ginny shouts, probably waking up everyone in the house.


"TEDDY IS COMING YOU SLEEPYHEAD!!" Ginny squeals, pulling the covers from me so I'm just in my sleeping shirt. The air makes me shiver.

"O yeah," I reply, not exactly processing yet what she just said  but I get out of bed and head towards the shower.

"Be quick!" Ginny tells me quietly, reducing the volume of her voice.

When I'm finally downstairs  and having breakfast someone knocks on the door...


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