Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: The Proposal

Ginny's POV:

When I wake up, I realise quick enough that it isn't a normal day. I try and think why and soon enough I remember that it's my birthday today. I've been quite excited for the past few days.

I look at my alarm clock and see that it's already nine o'clock. I also feel, seeing the amount of space I now have, that Harry has already gone downstairs.

I decide to wait a while before going downstairs, so I get a book from the shelf and start reading it.

By the time I'm at chapter 10, the bedroom door opens and reveals Harry. He has a smile on his face and when he reaches me, he gives me a short kiss.

"Happy Birthday Gin," he says, tapping my nose.

"Thanks Harry," I thank, kissing him back.

"We're ready for you downstairs if you like," he smiles, taking my hand. That's really become our thing now, holding each other's hand everywhere we go.

"Oh I'm ready," I laugh, giving him one last kiss on his cheek.

We slowly walk downstairs, to where the whole family plus Erin, Fleur, Victoire and Teddy are waiting for us. They, including Harry, start singing 'Happy Birthday' for me, to which I start blushing.

When they finish, I thank them, and when I notice that my brother, whom I haven't seen since Christmas, has also joined, I let go of Harry's hand and give him a hug.

"Good to see you too," Charlie whispers while embracing me.

I smile and hug the rest of them, all thanking them separately.

"And now breakfast," Dad says, taking a seat at the table. We all follow his example and start eating.

During breakfast, Mum tells us, but the information is especially aimed at me, today's plans. The guests will be arriving around noon and most of them will be gone by dinner time. She also promises that we'll do the presents after breakfast.

Charlie tells us lots about his dragons and he also mentions that Norberta is doing very well and is now also a proud mother.

"Don't forget to tell Hagrid that. He'll be coming too," Mum informs.

"Really!? I've been trying to find some time to go and visit him but because of Auror training, all the birthdays and trying to get things round with the mansion, I haven't really found any time to," Harry says, taken by surprise.

"Hagrid'll understand!" I tell Harry cheerfully, finishing my breakfast.

"I hope so," Harry smiles.

"Well, now Ginny's finished, we can give her presents," Ron says impatiently but also smiling.

"We know Ron, calm down," Hermione laughs, pulling Ron down to his seat again.

"Well, we 'ope you like our gift Ginny. Eet was Bill 'oo found eet but I theenk you'll like eet too," Fleur smiles, handing me a beautifully wrapped gift.

"Thank you," I say while carefully unwrapping it. I smile when I see a perfume bottle with the ingredients in French.

"Thank you Bill and Fleur. And you too Victoire," I add, tickling my goddaughter under her chin, to which she giggles.

"You're welcome Ginny," Bill says with a wink.

"Now it's our turn!" Ron exclaims, giving me a gift, not as neatly wrapped as Fleur's.

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