Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: First weeks back

"Harry? Are you alright?" Hermione asks, seeing my shocked face.

"I'm more of than alright," I laugh quietly.

So this was the compartment where my parents had sat for one of the last times they went to Hogwarts. It feels so real now. I can't explain but I'm more than happy now.

I walk back to the others and Hermione follows me. When I get home again, I'm definitely going to ask Sirius and hopefully Mum and Dad about the carvings!

"Are you the last ones?" the Head Girl asks as we leave the train.

"I think so," Erin answers for us all.

"Okay, thank you. Please head to the castle so Professor McGonagall can start her speech," Emily, I think her name was, requests.

"Uh oh!" Ginny remarks when we see the last carriages leave.

"Well, I guess we'll have to walk to the castle," Erin says cheerfully.

"I don't mind," Ginny adds, taking my hand.

"Well, even if you did mind, you wouldn't have a different choice," Ron grumbles, obviously not looking forward to the walk to the castle.

After about twenty minutes of walking, we finally arrive in front of the wooden doors, which are about to close. We quickly run through the doors before they close.

"Welcome back, students and teachers, after a snowy Christmas and a magical New Year, I wish you all a good start of term and for the O.W.L and N.EW.T students, I wish them the best of luck with studying and with the exams," Professor McGonagall says after the Head Boy and Girl have taken their places.

People start talking again and the Great Hall is filled with laughter and everyone telling each other about their holidays and other kind of things.

"Hey Ron, do you have anything to say to Seamus? I thought you were with Hermione," Dean remarks as food begins to appear on the tables.

"Oh shut up Dean," Ron replies, looking unhappy.

"Cheer up Ron, Seamus doesn't feel the same about you so be happy," Dean continues, ignoring Ron's comment.

"I said shut up," Ron repeats, making us laugh even harder.

"Don't take any notice of them Ronald," Hermione tells Ron.

"It was a dare," I tell Seamus, who is also red and paying attention to his lamb stew.

"Oh, that explains it," Seamus replies, looking happier now.


"Dean, can you just shut up about it? It was a dare, nothing more," Ron exclaims angrily, as the five of us lay in our dormitory, after he's finally had enough of Dean's pestering the whole evening.

"Okay! Okay! I'll stop!" Dean replies scared, after Ron's sudden outburst.

Neville, Seamus and I are still laughing silently. Ron notices and glares at me. I throw my hands in the air and say, "I'm sorry!"

"Yeah sure," Ron says sarcastically, turning from us.

"Good night boys," I say as I blow out the candle on my bedside table.

"Night," Everyone replies, following me by blowing out their candles.

I lay in bed, not closing my eyes yet. Would Teddy be okay now? I hope he's asleep but I can't guarantee because it's his first night without me again. I do hope Andromeda doesn't have a hard time with him because I don't know if she would be able to cope. I'll send both Molly and Andromeda a letter soon to ask how Teddy is and how they are. I asked Professor McGonagall when I could go and visit Teddy and she said in two weeks. I'm already looking forward to it but first I'll have to cope with two weeks of school and hard working.

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