Chapter 91

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I just quickly wanted to say that I know it took really long to update but I've been trying to find my rest (mentally) and now I've started at a new school so there's a lot going on😬😅

Chapter 91: Once a child, always a child

Ginny's POV:

It's already been a whole month since Teddy left for Hogwarts. Despite having three kids running around the house and making a lot of noise, it has been quite of quiet without Teddy.

After we received Minerva's letter about how Teddy thought we were going to be disappointed he got placed in Hufflepuff, Harry had to restrain me from sending a Howler to Teddy. Instead we wrote a long letter back and Teddy seemed relieved in his letter back.

It's almost James' birthday, so Harry and I have been making plans for that too.

It's all been a bit busy as we now have three children all capable of running around and even causing mischief.

As the weather is nice, for a change, Harry and I decide it would be nice to take the children out for a walk in the forest today. The leaves are starting to turn orange and yellow, and it's a beautiful sight. Harry and I agree to take the camera along.

A few hours later, it seems to have been a good decision. I have already made a lot of pictures of all three kids, playing the leaves and having fun.

As Lily and Harry walk in front of me, holding hands, I take the chance to take another photo. I know that in a couple of years time, I'll enjoy thinking of these days.

While taking another break, Albus and James have decided to gang up on me and start throwing leaves at me. After a leaf throwing match, all three of us end up falling in a big pile of leaves and laughing our heads off.

When we get back home, Lily is exhausted as she's not yet used to walking that much. We've decided to stop her morning naps, but luckily for her, we went on a walk just after lunch so she can still have her afternoon nap.

While Lily sleeps, Albus and James help me with making cookies. They both enjoy being able to use their hands, but they seem to enjoy eating the dough more. As we place the flattened dough on the tray, I'm sure we had more dough when we started.

When we've finished, we head back upstairs and decide to play a game. It takes us a while to decide which one but Harry ends up laughing when he walks into the room to see me and Albus attempting to put our right hand on yellow while our foot is on the red dot.

By the time Lily wakes up, the cookies are done. We all enjoy a cookie with hot (or for some people warm) chocolate.

We spend the rest of the evening playing games and reading stories, something all three of our children love. Of course, I can't resist tickling James and Albus as payback for starting the leaf war during the walk.

At the end of the evening, just before their bedtime, Harry and I decide it's a good idea to put James, Albus and Lily in bath together. This, of course, doesn't play out the way we thought it would. The bathroom floor ended up as if Myrtle was personally there to flood it and the bath probably contained more bubbles than water or humans in it. We still had a good laugh, so it wasn't the end of the world.

Around seven o'clock the next morning, as I walk into the room with two mugs of tea, Harry has a hint of a smile on his face as he turns the page of this morning's edition of the Daily Prophet.

"Oh, we're getting a divorce," he says, smirking.

I put a mug down in front of him, sit down myself and ask, "Is it because I'm snogging Neville?"

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