Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: We're weird!


Ginny laughed and hugged me back.

"Fred? Are Remus and of Tonks here too?" I ask, really curious.

"Umm, let me think. Yes, I thought I saw them last week. Tonks is the new Hufflepuff ghost!" Fred replies.

The three of us have a nice little chat before going to the Common Room because of some other students.

I put my arm around Ginny and give her a comforting hug, I expect she needs it. Even though she's been really strong after the Memorial Service, it must be hard to see your brother who's passed away.


I wake up and see that Ron's still sleeping. I quietly change in my school uniform and go downstairs to the Common Room. I see that Erin and Ginny are already there.

"Morning ladies!" I say cheerfully.

The girls giggle, "Morning Harry!"

I sit down on the sofa next to Ginny. Ginny quickly stands up and places her butt on my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist and laugh.

"I'm sorry Erin, we're a little weird," I apologise.

"You're not weird, you're a cute couple!" Erin says softly.

I smile at Erin's words. If Ron would just think about it that way.

"Thanks, if my idiotic brother would think about it that way, it would be even better!" Ginny says, as though reading my mind.

Erin looks a little confused.

"Well, you see, Ginny and I started dating two years ago and Ron was fine with it but I had to break up with her because I didn't want her being in danger. I hoped Ginny didn't take it too hard and she did kind of understand when I told her the reason. But her birthday present for me was a kiss, but we had already broken up. Ron was furious because I had broken his sisters heart ("that wasn't true" Ginny added). Since then Ron has been a little protective over Ginny and he gets annoyed if we kiss," I explain.

"Owh, that makes sense!" Erin exclaims. "Don't take any notice of him though!"

We laugh and Ginny suggests to go downstairs for breakfast.


After twenty minutes, Ron and Hermione join us. I had already finished my breakfast and I was secretly holding hands with Ginny under the table and reading the Daily Prophet.

Professor McGonagall hands us our timetables, and I'm quite pleased with mine.

On Monday, first double Potions, then Transfiguration, then free period, after lunch I have Charms and double Defence Against the Dark Arts.

I see that Ginny has double Potions, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts together with me. We smile and decide to go get our books.

I don't know how the rest of the week's going to be but Monday is fine.


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