Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: More than one birthday.

"Happy birthday to you!" We all sing to Teddy, who is smiling like there's no tomorrow.

When we stop singing, I pick him up and give him a hug.

"Happy 1st birthday Teddy, time's passing quickly," I whisper, kissing him on his head.

Teddy returns me a sloppy kiss but I appreciate it either way. I'm glad Professor McGonagall gave us all, meaning Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Erin and myself, permission to visit Teddy on his birthday.

"Happy birthday!" Erin congratulates.

"Ank u!" Teddy thanks, touching Erin's hand. Teddy has this thing of touching people. It's his way of letting people know how he feels and that he appreciates what that person has done.

After we all give Teddy a present, we start having cake. I feed Teddy little bits so he doesn't choke. Teddy looks hopefully at me for some more cake but I shake my head.

"Sorry Ted, it's not very good for you to have a lot of cake," I tell him, looking sorry.

"You no," Teddy asks.

"I won't have any either," I say, knowing Teddy won't want any if I don't have it either.

The weather's starting to get better so we decide to go outside and have a walk, when we finish eating. We walk a lot because Teddy's quite proud of himself (and so are we) that he's finally walking. He does still hold my hand or Ginny's but I'm hoping he'll soon be able to do it on his own.

"What do you want to do Ted?" I ask him.

"Peek boo" Teddy says, trying to pronounce new words we learnt him.

"Hide and Seek?" I check to which he nods.

"Ginny? Will you play hide and seek with us?" I turn around to Ginny.

"With you? Always," Ginny smiles, giving me a quick kiss.

"And now the others," I laugh.

"I'll ask them, you go and entertain Teddy until I've asked everyone," Ginny laughs, giving me a small shove.

I silently run to Teddy and pick him up from behind. He squeals and giggles. Erin comes and stands next to us.

"He's a sweetheart, aren't you?" Erin remarks, tickling him under his chin.

"He sure is," I agree, smiling.

"I'm in though, for the game," Erin adds.

Soon enough, nearly everyone comes and joins us.

"So, who's going to be the seeker?" Ginny asks to which I laugh quietly.

"Me me me!" Teddy exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Close your eyes Ted, I'll count with you!" I say as the others run away.

Teddy just mumbles some things and then takes his hands away from his eyes. He turns around and crashes into me, apparently not expecting me there.

"You found me Ted! Well done!" I compliment him to which he smiles.

"Ound u Hawwy!" Teddy exclaims.

"Yes you did, now let's go and find the others," I say, holding his hand so he can walk by himself.

We walk for a seconds until he shouts,"Gingee!"

He lets go if my hand, which wasn't really smart of him, and runs to Ginny. He falls but stands up quickly again. He walks the last bit and then gives her a hug.

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