Chapter 42

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I went to the Harry Potter studio's (for the 2nd time) two weeks ago and it was as magical as always!

Chapter 42: Good news.

Harry's POV:

That's it. It's done. This was my last week at Hogwarts and it has passed quickly. Too quickly.

"Harry, you're joining the party too aren't you?" Ron asks as we walk back upstairs.

"Of course, I'd be mad if I didn't," I laugh.

"Yeah, I know," Ron adds as we enter the common room.

Soon enough, the boys come upstairs with loads of food and drinks in their arms. Ron looks amazed by all the food.

Everyone starts congratulating each other and we all start talking about what we want to do after school.

After a while, I decide to sit down and to look at the fire. A few years ago, I saw Sirius' face in here. I'm afraid I won't ever. I do sometimes feel sad about but I don't get devastated if I hear his name.

"Do you want one?" Ginny asks, sitting next to me and offering me a cake.

I don't say anything and laugh at Ginny's face.

"Open up," Ginny orders, picking one up.

"Don't you trust me?" Ginny asks again, seeing my face.

I wait for a minute and then open my mouth. Ginny literally shoves the cake in my face and laughs. "You shouldn't have!"

She runs away and I follow her. We run through the corridors and when we run across the third floor, she stops and I crash into her.

"Gotcha," I whisper as she nuzzles into my shoulder. I put my arms around her and she does the same. We're both breathing heavily, which isn't too surprising.

"I love you Harry, I really do," Ginny whispers back. Merlin, I love her too. Loads even. With her lovely red hair and her sassy ways of answering.

"And I love you even more," I reply honestly. I have no idea what the future holds but I do hope that she will be a part of it.

"By the way, thank you for the cake, it tasted really good, except for the fact that it was shoved up my nose and in my face," I add, looking at Ginny accusingly. She giggles in return.

"Well, you're more than welcome!"

I stick my tongue out at her and then run away again, with Ginny at my heels. I try to run back to the common room but it is very hard, running up all the steps.

Out of breath, we arrive in front of the portrait hole. We say the password and enter the room where the party is still continuing. Ron is hovering around the food and Hermione is in a corner, shaking her head while watching everyone dance and sing loudly.

We join Hermione and Erin and I can't help but laugh at everyone dancing.

"Harry? Why do you have cake in your hair?" Hermione asks, picking a piece of cake out of my hair.

"Ask Ginny," I reply, looking at Ginny and wondering why she hadn't told me downstairs.

"Ginny?" Hermione asks her.

~ Our Story ~  (In those 19 years)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ