Chapter 65

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Guess who's birthday it is? Minee😝☺️ As I received a few gifts from my family, I decided to post a chapter as a gift for all my readers!💙
It may take a week or two to update as I have to help at a children's camp Monday until Friday and I start school again the week after😢.
Well anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 65: You too?

I wake up to feel Harry's absence in the bed. I hear a flushing sound from our bathroom and go to have a look.

Harry's on the floor, leaning against the bath and looking very pale and tired.

"Don't come near me, I don't want you getting sick," Harry says croakily.

"So it's you this time?" I smile a little.

After finally not having morning sickness anymore, it's Harry's turn to throw up.

"I guess," Harry says, trying to smile but failing miserably.

"Let's get you in bed," I say, moving towards him and helping him stand up.

"But I don't want you get-"

"I don't mind! You've looked after me when I had my morning sickness so now it's time for me to look after you," I cut him off.

"That wasn't contagious," Harry protests.

"Through sickness and health. Remember what we promised each other nearly ten months ago?" I remind him, putting him in bed and conjuring a bucket.

"Fine," Harry gives me a little smile.

"I'm guessing you don't want to eat anything yet but do you want anything to drink?" I ask him.

"No thank you," Harry says, closing his eyes.

I touch his forehead and feel that he has a fever.

"I don't think we'll be going to the Burrow tonight," I say.

"No," Harry whispers.

"I'm just going to say good morning to Teddy and have breakfast. You'll be okay on your own for a little while?" I ask him.

"Course," Harry says, sounding very tired.

"Well, try to sleep," I tell him before closing the door behind me.

"Ginny!" Teddy exclaims when I arrive down stairs.

He's already having breakfast so I join him at the table.

"Good morning Teddy," I say after yawning.

"Where's Harry?" Teddy asks me.

"He's upstairs in bed. He's sick so please don't make too much noise when you're in the hall," I tell him, feeling sorry for Harry.

"He's not pregnant, is he?"

I burst out laughing but reply," No Teddy, he's not pregnant."

"Okay!" Teddy says happily.

After having breakfast, I leave Teddy on his own in the playroom and go upstairs to check on Harry. He's still asleep so that makes me happy.

I go back downstairs, get some tea and read the Daily Prophet that has just been delivered.

After reading the paper, I get a piece of paper and start writing a letter to Mum and Dad to tell them that we won't be coming tonight.

After finishing the letter, I give it to our family owl, Ariana, and then sit down again.

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