Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: To London with Teddy

Harry's POV:

Days pass and on the 25th of August, I get awoken by Teddy giggling. When I open my eyes, I see two blurred figures. One small blue-haired boy, who is bouncing on my stomach and one red-haired young woman, who is laughing at Teddy and encouraging him.

Ginny and I had agreed yesterday to share a bed. We had decided to use the bedroom, two doors away from Teddy's room, in case something happens in the night. Teddy had already awoken twice in the night and had cried until Ginny or I came. We didn't know what to do so we stayed with Teddy until he stopped crying.

Ginny passes me my glasses just before Kreacher comes in with a tray full of breakfast.

"Did you already have breakfast?" I ask Ginny.

"Yes, like an hour ago. Teddy woke up at seven and when I went to check on him, he was playing in his cot with his stuffed animals. It was so sweet! I took a picture!" Ginny exclaims, showing me the picture.

"Would you two like to go into London today?" I ask before putting a spoonful of egg in my mouth.

"Yesss! That would be great! And you Ted?" Ginny exclaims, looking at the boy.

"uh huh!" Teddy squeals, nodding his head. He can't really talk yet but he can manage the 'uh' sound.

Ginny and I laugh at his enthusiasm. Ginny picks Teddy up and takes him to change. I quickly finish and then change too. I'm just looking in my picture album before Teddy returns and snatches my glasses and puts them on himself. Teddy tries hard and eventually manages to get patches of black hair on his head and one green eye. I pick the boy up and give him a kiss on his head. I am just about to take my glasses back when a flash of light appears.

Ginny laughs and gives us both a hug.

"You both looked so sweet! This will definitely be in Teddy's photo album for when he is older!" Ginny announces, ruffling my hair.

I take my glasses back and stand up. We walk downstairs and put on our shoes. I put Teddy in Ginny's arms and go to find Kreacher for a buggy. Unfortunately Kreacher doesn't have one so I make a mental note to buy that too in London.

"Well! Let's go!" Ginny exclaims, holding Teddy on her hip with one hand and holding my hand with the other.

Before we left, I ask Kreacher to make dinner for when we get back. I also tell him that we don't need a pattern on the pavement yet and just have to think of 12 Grimmauld Place, London, to enter the house.

We walk to London but it takes a little longer than expected because Teddy is amazed by every moving thing and threatens to cry if we don't stop to take a better look. It also takes a while for me to change some Wizard money into Muggle money.

The first thing we buy is a buggy for Teddy. I also go into a cafe to buy Ginny and myself an ice cream. Teddy sits on my lap and is looking at my ice cream, hoping to have some too. I get a spoon from inside and give Teddy a little bit. Ginny gets the camera to try and capture a picture of Teddy's first reaction to ice cream. It's a bit different than she had excepted. Teddy first shudders and then looks alarmed. Ginny and I both have a good laugh. I give Teddy a warm hug and continue eating my ice cream. Teddy sticks out his tongue, trying to say he wants more. He receives some more ice cream but this time, he smiles and licks his lips.

We pay and then continue walking and arrive at the London Eye. Ginny desperately wants to go in it so I pay and we join all the people waiting.

"Oh my lord!" Ginny gasps, when they were finally at the top. Teddy is blabbing happily in his own language. I too am impressed by the view.

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