Chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Everyone finding out

This has probably been the best birthday.

"Thank you Ginny!" Harry smiles and carefully slips the beautiful ring on my finger.

It's a simple silver ring with a small, diamond like stone in the middle.

"Thank you," I thank him, hugging him tightly.

"You're more than welcome," Harry softly kisses me and I kiss him back.

"Let's go, I think the others will be wondering where we are," I say quietly.

"Oh, most of them know, at least your brothers and dad do," Harry laughs.

"You asked them all?" I ask surprised.

"Every single one, I even went to Hogwarts to ask Fred," Harry smiles as we walk back.

"I am literally speechless," I breath, too surprised to say anything anymore.

"You don't have to say anything," Harry says as he holds my hand.

"I'm wondering how Mum'll react when she sees the ring though," I laugh, knowing she'll probably scream or cry or maybe both.

"Yeah, well I don't think we'll have to worry anymore. I worried about your six brothers and father but there wasn't any need to worry," Harry chuckles.

"What did they say though?" I wonder.

"Well, your father told me about how I'd already felt like a son to him. Bill said welcome to the family and so did George. Charlie started talking to me about how he trusted me and that he couldn't wait for the wedding. Percy said that if I hurt you, I would have six angry Weasley men chasing me. Fred said that he'd been waiting for this moment for ever and Ron said that he knew that I loved you and that he was also waiting for that question. He told me that he trusted me and that I'd know what would happen if I did hurt you," Harry says, recalling what everyone had said.

"Well that sounds like an adventure to me," I laugh.

"It was," Harry assures, laughing.

"You know, I could easily make a Patronus now," I say, feeling so happy.

"Expecto Patronum," Harry whispers, making his stag appear.

"Expecto Patronum," I repeat, letting my doe gracefully prance around Harry's stag.

Harry smiles and so do I. There's been a lot of smiling today but it hasn't been for nothing.

"Come on, let's go," Harry whispers, the stag disappearing as his concentration fades away.

We silently walk back home, recalling what had just happened. Never in a million years had I thought this would happen. I hope Teddy will be just as excited but I don't think he fully understands what being engaged means. It sounds weird, Harry being my fiancé and not my boyfriend anymore.

When we arrive at The Burrow, Mum looks a little suspicious why I'm glowering so much. I just smile mischievously and join them at the table. George winks at me but doesn't say anything. Hermione, Erin and Mum look as suspicious as ever but I still don't explain.

Only when I reach out to the can of water does Mum squeal. Everyone looks very alarmed and they look at Mum.

"You..Harry...Ring," Mum can only bring out those three words.

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