Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Dada?

"Dada?" Teddy asks again.

I gasp, feeling a tear trickle down my cheek. This is the first word he has said but it's so sad because I'm not his dad.

"No, I'm Harry," I say quietly.

I pick up the boy and press him against my chest. I never want to loose Teddy like we lost Remus and Tonks. I am going to look after Teddy like they would have. I don't intend and I don't want to replace Remus as a father but I am going to treat Teddy like a godson. Just like Sirius did for me, like Sirius cared for me more than anyone else. Of course, I do still have Ginny and her family but I'm never going to treat him in the way that I grew up.

Teddy calms down after a while and I take him downstairs. I hadn't finished reading the paper but I'm not in the mood anymore.

I sit Teddy down on the floor and then sit down on the floor myself. I then put Teddy on my lap and started tickling him. Teddy giggles and Ginny watches us happily. I love playing with Teddy and Teddy loves the attention. I play planes with him, picking him up and swooping him around the room. Ginny laughs and takes some pictures of the two of us. We have loads of fun until I realise that Teddy hasn't had any dinner yet.

"Teddy? Are you hungry?" I ask. Teddy nods and points to his mouth.

I laugh and walk to the kitchen to find Kreacher.

"Master Harry! What can Kreacher do for Master Harry?" he asks.

"Is there any baby food for Teddy?" I ask him. Kreacher goes to the cupboard and takes out a small jar.

"Thank you Kreacher," I thank, giving Teddy his food.

"Bloody hell!" Ginny exclaims after a while. "It's nine o'clock already, Teddy should be in bed now!"

"Oh, whoops," I laugh. "Do you want to bring him to bed?" I ask.

"Oh yes please! I'd love to!" Ginny squeals, picking Teddy up.

I sit down quietly and ask Kreacher for a cup of tea. I'm thinking about everything that has happened today. I drink my tea and decide to go to bed too. I don't care if it was early, I just don't want to stay sitting here. It still hurts sitting here in the house of my godfather.

I go upstairs and pass Teddy's room. I go inside and give Teddy a hug.

"Gin, I'm going to bed. I don't know what you're going to do. Coming or are you staying downstairs for a little bit?" I ask.

"I'll have one cup of tea and then I'll come too," Ginny answers, giving me a kiss.

I go to our room and change. I slip into bed after brushing my teeth. I turn the light off but don't close my eyes. I lay awake and thank about going to Hogwarts, surprising Ginny, hopefully having loads of fun, caring for Teddy. I think about everything that has already happened. Teddy loosing his parents, us losing friends. A tear rolls down my cheek but I don't wipe it away.

Ginny quietly opens the door.

"Harry? Are you asleep?" she whispers.

"No," I reply with a tight voice.

Ginny puts on her sleeping shorts and my t-shirt and then gets into bed too. She lays her head next to mine and gives me a kiss.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Ginny asks worriedly.

"Well, you make me happy so I am now!" I reply, smiling even though she won't be able to see in the dark.

Ginny giggles. I put my arm around her and give her a small kiss on her head. We stay silent and eventually both fall asleep.


I wake up really late and realise that Ginny has already left. I smell a lovely smell coming from downstairs and decide to investigate.

Just as I want to enter the living room, I get stopped by Ginny.

"Sorry but there is no entering the room yet! Go upstairs again and have a shower or something! I'll call you when you can come downstairs again," Ginny explains, blocking the room from my view.

I go upstairs again and turn on the shower. I have a long shower and then return to the bedroom again. I put on some decent clothes. I see a pile of pictures on the table in the corner. I pick them up and then sit on the bed. The pictures are of me, Teddy and sometimes Ginny. I laugh when I see the one when Ginny and I were making the pizza's and the one Ginny took the day before of me and Teddy.


I put the pictures back and go downstairs again. I'm surprised when I get greeted by Ginny and Teddy giving me a hug. Ginny dumps Teddy in my arms and runs off to the kitchen and the comes out with a cake.

"What is all this for? Is it someone's birthday?" I ask, very surprised.

"Well, we, Teddy and I really want to thank you. Thank you for taking Teddy in, thank you for being such a wonderful boyfriend and thank you for letting me be here!" Ginny says, giving me a hug.

"But- I.." I start.

"No buts! I know you would've done the same for Ron and Hermione. You could have let me with the rest of my family and come here alone but you asked me to come along! You took me to London and I loved it. After everything that happened. The thing is, I love you!" Ginny chokes, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"You know Ginny? I really love you too! Perhaps I would have done it for Ron and Hermione but I asked you because I love you!" I say, wiping the tear off Ginny's cheeks.

"Fank uu!" Teddy says, giving my head a hug.

"You're welcome Tedster!" I smile, giving the boy a cuddle back.

- Meanwhile at The Burrow -

"Mrs Weasley? When is Ginny coming home?" Hermione asks gently, enjoying Ron's attention but missing her friend too.

"Eum, I think she is coming in a few days. You excited?" Mrs Weasley answers.

Hermione laughs and nods.

"Harry asked me if she could come a few days earlier so he can pack his trunk and everything," Mrs Weasley explains.

"Oh, yeah! I understand. I think Ginny is going to be really happy when she finds out he is coming too!" Hermione says, "I'm really excited, going back to Hogwarts!"

"I understand! I'm looking forward to look after Teddy when you're all away! It's been so long since I've had to look after a baby!" Mrs Weasley exclaims.

~ Back at Grimmauld Place ~

Kreacher makes me a little breakfast and then leaves.


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