Chapter 81

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Chapter 81: Baby boom

Ginny's POV

Right now, Harry and I are sitting in the hospital and waiting for news. However, it's not for me. About six hours ago Rolf called us that Luna had gone into labour and that she would love to see us.

So Harry and I have been sitting here for about half an hour now. I've been quite tired through the beginning of my third pregnancy. I'm currently about two months along but the time has passed quicker than I imagined. I remember telling Harry I was pregnant like it was yesterday.

"You can come in," Rolf appears, smiling like a proud father.

We follow him into the room, where Luna is peacefully laying in bed with to bundles in her arms, also beaming.

"Congratulations," I whisper and Harry follows my example.

"You can come a little closer you know," Luna grins.

"So, boys or girls?" Harry asks while looking at the two babies in her arms.

"Boys," Luna and Rolf say in unison.

"They're so cute," I take a closer look at one of the boys.

"Thank you, Ginny, although I think that they are going to be a handful," Luna sighs, looking very tired, which is very understandable.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks.

"Well, I haven't had a lot of experience with babies and now I go from having none to suddenly two. Of course, I'm really happy that they're here and I absolutely love them but I'm afraid that I won't know how to take care of them," Luna looks down at her sons.

"You'll be fine Luna! I mean, I did it, so that means you can do it too! And if you need help, you can always ask me for advice," I tell my friend and she smiles gratefully.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you, Ginny," Luna thanks and asks if Harry and I both want to hold one of her sons.

"That's Lorcan," Rolf says as I take the first baby.

"And that's Lysander," Luna adds, nodding at the baby in Harry's arms.

"What lovely names," I smile as I hold Lorcan.

"Thank you," Rolf beams.

"Before we forget to ask, would you love to be their godparents?" Luna asks us, taking us by surprise.

"I would love to," I grin while looking at the sleeping baby, who is now my godson.

"It would be an absolute pleasure," Harry agrees while giving Lysander back to Luna.

"I think you should have some time together, you deserve it," I say and carefully put Lorcan in Rolf's arms.

"Thank you both," Luna thanks us before we leave the hospital.

Once we're home, Harry suggests going into Godric's Hollow with Hermione, Ron and the kids. Hermione and Ron (and Rose of course) had come to look after our three sons while we were away. Hermione's bump is now also getting visible but I think she's about four months pregnant. We haven't told them, or anyone, except Teddy and James, really, about my third pregnancy but I had already been thinking that it's such a shame that our unborn children won't be in the same year. Although, Erin's child and Hermione's son (they told us the gender while having tea and coffee this morning) will be in the same year.

Erin is currently seven months along and she told us that her monthly transformations aren't a pleasure anymore, not that they ever were pleasant, but with the huge bump, it's even harder.

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