Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: I'm sorry

Harry's POV:

We go downstairs together seeing Dudley and Petunia. I am really surprised to see them here.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Aunt Petunia asks me.

"Eumm, of course," I say, a bit unsure.

We go outside together, leaving Dudley with Ron in the kitchen (probably not a really good idea).

"I'm so sorry treating you that bad when you were younger, I really wanted to treat you with love because my sister had died protecting you and I wanted to protect you from other danger but Vernon forbade me to. He wanted Dudley to have a great life without you interfering. I was put under a lot of pressure by him so I couldn't help you," Aunt Petunia says, sadly.

"I'm glad you told me, I always wondered why especially Uncle Vernon hated me," I say.

"I wanted to do things to help you because your mum was always very kind to me but I wasn't to her but I couldn't bear thinking of my dear sister who had died. You have your mum's eyes and that is a reason why I couldn't bear it. Looking at us every time," Aunt Petunia continues.

"Thank you for telling me," I thank her.

"But there is one more thing. I wanted you to know that if you need a place to be, to have somewhere to sleep or a need to talk to someone, you are still welcome at our house," Aunt Petunia says with a wink.

"But Vernon?" I ask her, surprised that she didn't think about Uncle Vernon.

"While staying in the safe house, I realised that Lily hadn't died for us to treat you like you're nothing. I know we treated you like that anyway but I must tell you, I regret doing that terribly. Even though I loved Vernon, I came to realise that he wasn't accepting enough and as he didn't have you to pick on, he started criticising Dudley and me. I decided to part our ways as soon as the war would end," Petunia says, looking guilty.

"Thank you for saving our world too, Harry. Your lot had even got into our world. And by the way, your lot aren't that bad after all." At this moment, a smile appears on my face.

We talk for a little while and then decide to go back to the house. I talk with Dudley a little bit while Petunia talked with Mrs Weasley- I mean Molly and after about half an hour, they leave.

"Wow, that was one great and special day, thank you all," I say, hugging everyone and giving Ginny a kiss.

We stay up till about 2 in the morning, chatting, playing silly games and telling jokes and then we decide to go upstairs. Ginny and I are the last to go upstairs.

- two days later -

Two days later, letters with a Hogwarts seal arrive for Ron, Hermione, Ginny and for me. We are wondering why we received them and what (probably) Professor McGonagall has to tell us.

"What?" Ron exclaims, seeing our faces.

My letter says:

Dear Mr Potter,
I am pleased to inform you that, with loads of help, Hogwarts has been rebuilt and we are ready to begin as a real school again.
You may attended Hogwarts to redo your last year but it is not a must.
If you are not redoing your last year, I really appreciated your help and your courage and good luck.
If you are attending Hogwarts for your last year, please send me an owl back as soon as you have decided.
I will also send you an official letter with the supplies for your last year.
One other notice, The Funeral for the ones that died in the battle will be held on the 20th of August.
Thank you very much and make a good choice.
Yours sincerely,
Professor McGonagall
Now Headmistress of Hogwarts

I'm not sure if the others' letter was nearly the same but I know that I need some time to think about it.

"Are you going Harry?" Ron asks.

"I don't know, and you guys?" I ask the rest.

"I am," Ginny says immediately.

"I actually want to find my parents is Australia but I want to do my last year too," Hermione replies with a sad face.

"I'll think about it," Ron says, just like me not knowing what to do.

"Ron can I talk to you?" I ask, after finally making my decision.

"Yeah, sure," Ron answers, wanting to know what I have chosen.

"I have decided to..."


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